Recent content by AH Photography

  1. AH Photography

    Four-spotted chaser

    Thanks all for the cc, I took this hand held with a 70-300 lens as I did not have a macro with me at the time.
  2. AH Photography

    some owl shots

    wood owl by Untitled by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickrhttps://Adrian"]]Adrian Heap Photography[/url], on Flickr
  3. AH Photography

    Lobster pots

    100_0445 by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  4. AH Photography

    Four-spotted chaser

    DSC_4784 by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  5. AH Photography

    Kingfisher in hover

    ok not the best kingfisher shot, but the light was very poor, but i got a not bad run of shots
  6. AH Photography

    Kingfisher in hover

    DSC_0408 by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr, DSC_0406a by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr, DSC_0406 by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr, DSC_0405 by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr, DSC_0403 by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr,
  7. AH Photography

    Flower and wasp

    IMGP3008a by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  8. AH Photography

    Chaffinch reprocessed

    DSC_0229ab by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  9. AH Photography

    Hoar Frost Ajusted and reprocessed

    DSC_0095ab by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  10. AH Photography


    Maybe I will give it a go and repost Ade
  11. AH Photography

    Hoar Frost

    DSC_0095a by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  12. AH Photography


    DSC_0229a by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  13. AH Photography

    Ribblehead Viaduct

    Ribblehead Viaduct by Adrian Heap Photography, on Flickr
  14. AH Photography

    Five Rise Locks

    Cheers for your comments on this shot, Yes the HDR is at the Max I was just playing around with it, I will re post the shot and re process it and you can get some C& C Cheers Ade