Recent content by dking99

  1. dking99

    Please Critique my Park Bench Image...

    When you say horizontal would work best, do you mean crop the image as is to be horizontal or rotate the image I have now and do nothing with it?
  2. dking99

    Please Critique my Park Bench Image...

    I like the shot, but wondering how I can make it better. I did add +12 saturation and sharpening in photoshop...nothing else.
  3. dking99

    2008 - The year so far since moving to Nikon.

    May I ask what Canon camera body you had your most recent experience with? I am a D3 user as well and from the few images I have taken (a few thousand) I love every single one of them! Your shots are AMAZING as well.
  4. dking99


    is the background blur due to panning? Did you use any special technique to acheive this motion blurred look? I really like the shots!
  5. dking99

    Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

    Firmware version 2.00 worked and I have not seen the problem occur yet. The autofocus seems to be quick and accurate. 100% satisfied with it now! By the way, my old firmware was version 1.11 - I think this was very outdated.
  6. dking99

    My 1dmkIII just arrived :(

    Ahhh, nice! I will have to shoot some ISO 3200s in the next day or two... Stay tuned!
  7. dking99

    My 1dmkIII just arrived :(

    KIPAX...I apologize for the beer image right next to your underage son. I probably should have chosen another subject, but as I mentioned, nobody around.
  8. dking99

    My 1dmkIII just arrived :(

    This was just taken with a Nikon D3. 50mm 1.8 lens, f2.8, 1/500 ISO 2500 Auto WB It's cloudy and dark here in Washington, DC... 100% crop below (untouched) to show detail IMO there noise seems to be a bit less noise in the beer image and also (seen in the cropped image) appears to be...
  9. dking99

    Neck straps

    I plan to go this route: Kata looks like a winner to me.
  10. dking99

    My 1dmkIII just arrived :(

    and you probably could have dropped the shutter to 1/250 and been reduced to ISO 1250 for an even cleaner shot! Nice work!
  11. dking99

    Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

    I plan to upgrade firmware tonight. I have read up on it and hesitated initially just to make sure the upgrade didnt cause any issues. I dont think this will have any efect, but who knows?
  12. dking99

    Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

    It could be any of them really: 50mm 1.8 17-55 2.8 (havent upgraded yet) 70-200 VR 105mm Macro Also, when I say 1 or 2 seconds lag, I mean a FULL 1 or 2 seconds. take a stop watch and time it or simply count out "one one-thougsand, two one-thousand..." - It's longer than it sounds...
  13. dking99

    Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

    No, it's not that...Before the picture is taken, before the shutter even opens, the camera sometimes takes a good FULL 1 to 2 seconds before it catches proper focus. I messed around with it last night and nothing really changed the AF issue. I didnt have time to pull out my D200, but last...
  14. dking99

    Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

    Yes, I have tried them all. I work on the single point AF mode as well and you would think this would be the quickest by far, but it actually struggles just as much in this mode. The lighting conditions I am speaking of are basicly two windows in a room where I would be shooting at say...
  15. dking99

    Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

    I am a D3 owner and I noticed a major AF lag when shooting indoors - I went back to my D200 and had no lag at all even when using the same lenses, same exposure settings (manual) and same lighting conditions. With my D3 I cant shoot anyone moving in my direction without backing up at the...