Recent content by Graphic-Addict

  1. Graphic-Addict

    Dreams that fade in the cold light of day

    Yep, this goes in the 'wish it were mine' box. If it were, I'd perhaps try a bit of lightning, softening to add to the dreamy nature of the subject? Not sure if we like Photoshopping here, but if it's ok, a white layer at reduced opacity?
  2. Graphic-Addict

    There is some corner...

    For me this is an almost. The graphic nature is good. Bit wonky in parts. Think the mark on the wall might be a reflection from the glass? Perhaps a little lightning on the picture in post processing would add more balance. But don't give up on this
  3. Graphic-Addict

    Critique Castle gardens feedback request

    A set of images that show great colours. You have a good eye for seeing things framed, for example the bench in the boughs of the trees. The first one here is an image of two halves though, maybe lose the rhs? With the robin, it's a pity he is in the shade, but spot metering on the robin...
  4. Graphic-Addict


    I like this. I wonder if you waited for just such a coat:) For me, the picture would be stronger if you cropped out the top from just under the sign, all the stuff at the top is distracting and doesn't add to a story.
  5. Graphic-Addict

    A Collision

    The balance of this is amazing. Definitely one I would have on my wall although I would perhaps push the creams a little further to white? But that's just a taste thing. I'm envious of your skill and patience.
  6. Graphic-Addict

    My new lens has arrived!!

    One suspicious looking moggy! Good luck with the new lens.
  7. Graphic-Addict

    Gig Photos - Second Attempt!

    Love Lost Dogs 66. I know its closed eyes but to me it says emotion.
  8. Graphic-Addict

    Mixed macro

    The Fork for me - almost abstract yet with so much detail - brilliant!
  9. Graphic-Addict

    Not really sure

    No 3 for me too! Find the fence distracting in the first. Well done
  10. Graphic-Addict


    I like the light on this but it would be better with the figure looking into the picture I think - sort of draws your eye out with it being so close to the edge.
  11. Graphic-Addict

    Camera Club Listings

    Meets every Tuesday evening at 7.45 ish at Warkton village hall just outside Kettering, with a couple of months off in the summer. Great crowd of people - very mixed in age and camera knowledge and an active competition league runs through the year. PM me if you need more info or just...
  12. Graphic-Addict

    Gig and Studio stuff from the weekend.

    Good set of shots - love the B&Ws. Bit too much movement for me in the second one and I think the last three would look better B&W! Great atmosphere in all of them.
  13. Graphic-Addict

    Few nightclub/event photos

    Love the fourth shot and the colours on the last one! But they are all good. Well done!
  14. Graphic-Addict

    Autumn tightens its grip...

    This is an interesting image and as soon as I saw it I thought B&W! It would look good - or maybe even sepiar. Perhaps with a drastic crop off the left and a bit off the bottom?
  15. Graphic-Addict

    Macro selective colour edits

    Great shot - different