Recent content by onona

  1. onona

    Live music: Wednesday 13 gig at Koko

    Yeah, but monthly magazines wouldn't require that, surely? I'd never shoot for a newspaper or wires as this isn't something I have any desire to do full time. It's currently something I do in my evenings, although I am booked to shoot some festivals next year, which I know is going to be really...
  2. onona

    Live music: Wednesday 13 gig at Koko

    Thanks Steve! To be honest, the way I got into this was a total stroke of luck. I'd shot about three gigs and really wanted to get more into it, when I came across someone on Facebook who runs a heavy metal site saying her photographer for a gig (NY hardcore band Agnostic Front) that week had...
  3. onona

    Live music: Wednesday 13 gig at Koko

    That's very useful information, Adam, thanks a lot. I hadn't really considered stuff like cropping and whatnot, and wasn't thinking in terms of that when looking at magazines and comparing my work to it, as I was focusing only on quality in terms of sharpness, colour, etc, while overlooking...
  4. onona

    Live music: Wednesday 13 gig at Koko

    I was hoping to get a bit more feedback... Perhaps I should be a little more direct: I currently shoot for a website but am considering branching into sending my portfolio to magazines. But I'm not sure if my photos are good enough yet. Does anyone have any views on that? Are these the sorts of...
  5. onona

    First live rock show

    Snowy has always been a ladies man, heh. Nice shots. Too many to comment on individually, but if I did have to give one minor piece of critique, it'd be that there's some of them (like the second last one above) could do with a little more contrast.
  6. onona

    Coffee Machines

    I'm lazy so I bought a Nespresso machine and I love it. Since I don't really drink a hell of a lot of coffee, and live alone, it's a waste to buy bags of beans, as I can't get through all of them before the beans get stale. So the Nespresso machine was a better option.
  7. onona

    Why do people do this?

    The world is full of pricks.
  8. onona

    "Purist" Used As an Insult

    I don't think that when people use the term "purist" perjoratively, they're talking about people who simply prefer doing things in-camera. I think it's more about people that not only do everything in-camera, but also smugly dictate that their approach is the only valid one and that everything...
  9. onona

    new website for inspiration

    This was one of the first sites I ever started visiting for inspiration. Their standards are really high although there's a clear bias towards certain styles and looks. Still, a really good site, along with 500px.
  10. onona

    I never knew that

    Technically speaking, the moment you paste it into Photoshop, it's been saved somewhere in your computer's cache ;-)
  11. onona

    Concert Photography

    Depending on the size of the venue, you may find your 50mm and 85mm lenses are the most suitable. You only really need a 70-200mm if you're shooting an arena show, and even then, it's not absolutely necessary to have such a long focal length. Plus, those two primes mentioned are fast, which you...
  12. onona

    Mental Illness and Photography

    FFS. I am not talking about "non clinical depression". You keep saying I don't need to repeat myself, but despite repeating myself, you're still not getting it. You have still CLEARLY not bothered to read the original post I was responding to. So here it is against quoted just for your...
  13. onona

    Mental Illness and Photography

    Huh? You're contradicting yourself; we are not talking about people saying they're feeling a bit blue, we are talking about depression. Two different things. But by all means, if you think that depression being an illness is just "my" opinion, then so be it. Just be aware though that not only...
  14. onona

    sick days

    Errr.... Sickness is spread easily around offices. It's got nothing to do with my immune system or personal space requirements - if one person gets sick in an office, lots of people end up getting sick too. That's a fact.
  15. onona

    sick days

    Yup, everywhere I work is always air conditioned on account of the fact that the work I do is done on very powerful computers, and there is usually a lot of us in each room, generally with two computers each. Without air conditioning, the offices would be rather jungle-like.