Recent content by thedogsdanglers

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    Old Pano

    Thank you all for your kind words.
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    Advice for headshots

    I am of very limited experience when it comes to flash but from what I can see looks like you're right probably a single light and a reflector to bounce. Though it does look like like there's a LOT of natural backlight going on potentially giving the kicker/hairlight effect. Not sure if your...
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    Homemade VFlats

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    Old Pano

    It's also why it won't likely make it on any of my walls. ;)
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    Old Pano

    Thanks Graham, I agree and I fight with myself all the time with how much sky I want to include in the final images. One of the issues of living in East Anglia is there is often little (if any at all) undulation. So nearly always sky visible in woodland shots. For me on this occasion it was too...
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    Homemade VFlats

    Thanks Owen & Garry. Both sound like viable options. Garry, I take it as it's insulation it is fairly easy to cut down if needed?
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    Homemade VFlats

    Hi all, just curious if anyone has made their own VFlats and if so how did you go about it? What materials and if necessary black paints or covers did you use? Sizes etc?
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    Lets see your panoramas

    A pano from a few years ago that has just been stitched and processed (Finally!!!)
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    Old Pano

    That really made me chuckle too Alan... As soon as I clicked on the thread I see your pano of Roseberry Topping!!! I used to climb that a fair bit as a child. Used to even walk there all the way from Redcar.
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    Old Pano

    I hadn't seen it, though I did look for a pano category in the photo sharing and critique section. Might put it in that thread too then. Thanks Alan.
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    Old Pano

    Thanks Alan. It's been refreshing to start the buzz again. I might even head out with the camera soon :D. So far I've been playing with flash indoors trying to get the kids to play ball, it's been fun.
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    Dancers in an unfinished mansion

    Amazing work Simon. Loving all of these images.
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    Old Pano

    Dusting of a lot of cobwebs lately, including ACC subscription and found these that needed stitching into a pano, it's a wide one. This is from my last dedicated landscape outing which was back in Feb 2019, just goes to show what having a child, whilst changing career and living through a...
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    Office Setup for Corporate Headshots

    Thank you guys, much appreciated. Noted about the fold up style softbox, I'll have a search around. I see your point re the grids but I was thinking of buying with the softbox for future proofing against additional purchases in other scenarios of controlling splill onto the background. With...
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    Office Setup for Corporate Headshots

    Just wanting to scope out some advise, any will do but essentially kit related. I'm looking to build a lightweight (ish, I'm fit and healthy) travel set to do corporate headshots in potentially limited spaces in an office block (my soon to be work place with many floors). Essentially I'm...