Recent content by Twentyten

  1. Twentyten

    Road Rage Stories

    Oh, you mean the 4 way flashers. Nope, we don't need them either as we never break down. ;)
  2. Twentyten

    Road Rage Stories

  3. Twentyten

    Road Rage Stories

    Hey, have a read again. I get in the right lane as the right lane goes straight on or right, he gets in the left lane as it goes straight on or left. I always get in the right lane, as if people don't know the roundabout, the lanes can be confusing, and getting in the right lane makes it a lot...
  4. Twentyten

    Creating a transparent box in CS3

    Someone will no doubt be along soon with a more difinitive answer, and I don't have PS open In front of me. But, would it not involve the opacity slider.? Draw box, fill with colour(any colour) set opacity to 0% I might be over simplifying it, but it's just off the top of my head.
  5. Twentyten

    AC/DC IronMan 2 video with a difference!

    That was soooooooo!! weird, I was listening to that very track on itunes, the moment I clicked on this post. creepy.:suspect:
  6. Twentyten

    Tornado at sunset..

    Very Nice! Love the colours, I think you've managed to get a excellent composition Its funny, I was just down there the other night watching them take off in the dark. Must take my camera next time. Mike
  7. Twentyten

    Favorite Photographers?

    Have to agree, I also like his work. I'd also like to throw Rankin into the mix, he may think the sun shines out of his a**e, but he takes a good photo.
  8. Twentyten

    Pro or no?

    How about,"Published Photographer":shrug:
  9. Twentyten

    Cold Callers

    ^^^ TPS here as well, hardly ever get cold calls, but if any do get thru I just mention I'm a member and they get all apologetic(sp?) and say they'll update their records. Although, IIRC It doesn't work if the call originates from overseas- no jurisdiction. Linky
  10. Twentyten

    Gift ideas?

    Never really given a workshop much thought, maybe i should? Good idea, Althought my camera normally comes with me most places whether she likes it or not! My own ideas for her are, A laptop. (At least I can be in the same room as her, instead of in the study.) A 10 stop ND filter...
  11. Twentyten

    Gift ideas?

    My wife has been bleating on for ideas for my upcoming 40th Birthday!!!! I'm at a loss? Budget would be quite generous, say £400-500. Photography related obviously
  12. Twentyten

    Forty Days 'til Life Begins (and so it begins!)

    Happy 40th Darren! Well done on the project, I,ve been following it, and you should be applauded for your creative ideas, you should start a 365 of your 40th year. :coat:
  13. Twentyten

    My dog in the snow

    Thanks for all the replies:) Yes his nose is out of focus, but I was shooting wide open, I was just chuffed I got his eyes in focus, Because believe me there are plenty with just his nose in focus. The noise around his neck may be down to my over-zealous use of sharpening?? anyone care to...