Road Rage Stories


Sean........I was taking the pizz :LOL::LOL::LOL: everyone knows that the overtaking lane is called the BMW lane, thankfully I drive a VW and I let bikers and boyracers pass me, I would rather have them up-front than behind me:LOL:
Some of you guys need to chill out, it isn`t that important in the grand scheme of things.........(y)
A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.

His father said he'd make a deal: 'You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car.'
The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.
After about six weeks his father said, 'Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut.

The boy said, 'You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair...and there's even strong
evidence that Jesus had long hair.'

His father replied,
'Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?
i remember having a very bad night of fighting in the night club we worked

any way my mate drove me home as i had a few after work that night to calm down this idiot cuts my mate up and called him names and the universal sign and swerves on a dual cariageway to stop us getting passed and then a short while later he stopped in the middle of the road to try and stop us gettign pased , which wouldnt of worked

so rather then overtaking him my mate stops goes up to his car to smack him he smells he has alchol on his breath goes back to his car and pulls a baton out and smahes all his windows

must admit i never seen a guy so scared

one thing he hates and i hate is people drink driving especialy since he almost got run over by a drunk driver one night at work
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Because you either over react due to incompetent driving or you are too close to the vehicle in front causing hard uncontrolled breaking .... There is no excuse for blaming the vehicle in front! ..................... His fault 100%

Oh dear, take your blinkers off and talk to a few bikers first :wacky:
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Oh dear, take your blinkers off and talk to a few bikers first :wacky:

Whatever happened to .... “maintain a safe stopping distance from the vehicle in front“ ....
Whatever happened to .... “maintain a safe stopping distance from the vehicle in front“ ....

I didn't make any reference to the accident just about what loosing the front end meant. It could have been on a bend, loose surface, man hole cover etc that could cause the front end to go without it being incompetence or travelling too close.
I didn't make any reference to the accident just about what loosing the front end meant. It could have been on a bend, loose surface, man hole cover etc that could cause the front end to go without it being incompetence or travelling too close.

I agree, but he blamed the taxi for braking Suddenly! .... See post 16
If I find myself in this kind of situation I follow the instructions of my driving instructor "lock your windows and doors" your car can be repaired it may be a lot harder to repair you.

Luckily I have had only a couple of incidences one was very recently in the lakes, driving slowly down a road and someone walks out in front of my car, I slammed my anchors on the guy must have caught the look of horror on my face he screamed at me and punched my windscreen before walking off.

I do get so fed up though of people viewing my 1litre Yaris as some sort of challenge, I particularly hate drivers who drive up my backside when I am on the motorway overtaking while doing 70mph.

Another incident was last year I wasn't driving this time my friend was in hospital and the ward allowed her to go out for an hour so off we trundled to the park, my friend was in her wheelchair with her oxygen tank attached to it, she obviously was also attached to the oxygen. Coming back we waited at the traffic lights once the green man appeared we started to cross, at the other side, though the pavement is lowered for wheelchairs there was still a kerb of 6 or inches to get over and I was struggling a bit, the lights were now on flashing amber for the drivers. The guy in the front of the queue lowered his window down and started screaming abuse at me for taking so long and revving his engine loudly, all the time he was distracting me it was taking longer for me to get over the kerb. Idiot!!
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Is there a section in the BMW and ALDI handbook that states "Thou shalt operate your windscreen washers when you see a convertible in your rear view mirror"?

Don't these idiots know it doesn't touch me? Fer gawds sake I drive with the roof down in the rain and snow, a bit of screen wash spray isn't going to make a bit of difference.

However, it does REALLY pee the BMW and ALDI drivers off when they see me driving my Roadster in the dark with the roof down. You can actually hear their brains hurting as they try to comprehend. Bless them.
What's an ALDI?

Light hearted banter towards drivers of specific vehicles is fine - but I detect more than this form some folk - proper hatred towards them. Not cool. Am I reading too much into this or maybe I am starting to get an insight into why I have had so many more people giving me me grief on the road now...
This had been one of the most enjoyable to read threads in ages!
Just wanted to add my bit.....

I am a very calm person. Very patient, happy-go-lucky, like people, like meeting other people.
I have never had a fight, never needed or wanted to fight. Never hurt anybody either intentionally or other wise. I don't believe in violence, I'm rational, understanding, logical, sensible, friendly, kind, considerate.

All except when I'm driving :D

When I'm behind the wheel I turn into a complete animal. I scare myself. If somebody drives up my arse, I shout, scream, hurl abuse at them.
If somebody cuts me up, I do the same.
I am the most evil/nastiest driver I know. I really do have a prolem of some kind when I'm driving.
I hate, with avengance ALL van drivers, wether they annoy me or not. I go out of my way to annoy van drivers.

I've had such bad roadrage over the years, I've considered getting some kind of proffesional help (counselling, hypnotherapy etc) but sheer embarrasment has stopped me.
Since my little Ruby was born almost 3 years ago ( :eek: ) I have calmed down a bit. And when she is in the car I am Mr perfect.
But when she isn't, I turn into the devil again!!!

I have had a few run-ins with other drivers, the usual hand gestures, light flashing, horn beeping etc, but nothing major, thanks God.
Although there was the time some little muppet was riding his two wheeled hair dryer so close to my arse, I lost my rag and slammed the brakes on :LOL:
The funniest thing I have EVER seen him smacking into my back bumper and landing with a satisfying CRUNCH on the deck! Then he got a load of abuse from the Mrs when we stopped next to him :woot:

But seriously, I have somehow been lucky and avoided conflict.
But the worrying thing is what goes through my mind during a roadrage incident.
I seriously consider doing nasty things to the other person if they stop, and I also consider slamming my car into theirs at the next opportunity.
Some knobend pulled right across into my lane on the motorway a few weeks ago. No indication, no warning nothing.
I was literally a few inches away from a nasty accident. Hand gestures from me, lights, horn etc, and he didn't even acknowledge me.
I was sooooooo godamm close to driving into him (on purpose) it scared me more than the thought of nearly having a bad crash.........
Just out of interest would any of you BMW drivers mind looking in your manual at what those strange orange lights at the corner of your cars do......

Because a large proprotion of BMW drivers don't know :D

You signal your intentions not your actions......................

As for good drivers count me out, I do 40K a year in a VW Pi55hat. I've had 2 minor scrapes in 15 years, and that I'm proud of. ( not the scrapes, the lack of )

I very rarely suffer road rage these days, I've finaly learnt it's not worth the stress. Take a deep breath and just keep moving. Lifes too short and can suddenly become shorter if you get too wound up :D
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I did upset white van man when we had all that snow. Was going up a steepish
hill and the cars in front were sliding about (no gritters had been out) so i gave
them some space. This idiot in a van was right up my arse, i mean really close.

Eventually the Corsa in front starts slipping and losing grip, so i stopped behind
him, much to the annoyance of mr white van man. I figured he was annoyed by
the way he was leaning on his horn.

I politely waved, took a nice pic of him then carried on around the stuck cars
and up the hill. Had a wander round one of our reservoirs, took some lovely
pics and headed back. And yes, he was still where i'd left him along with most
of the other cars.......... Ahhh well.......... Here's the nice man btw...

I did upset white van man when we had all that snow. Was going up a steepish
hill and the cars in front were sliding about (no gritters had been out) so i gave
them some space. This idiot in a van was right up my arse, i mean really close.

Eventually the Corsa in front starts slipping and losing grip, so i stopped behind
him, much to the annoyance of mr white van man. I figured he was annoyed by
the way he was leaning on his horn.

I politely waved, took a nice pic of him then carried on around the stuck cars
and up the hill. Had a wander round one of our reservoirs, took some lovely
pics and headed back. And yes, he was still where i'd left him along with most
of the other cars.......... Ahhh well.......... Here's the nice man btw...

That is because vans have next to no traction on ice or snow, once stopped, they are usually stuck. Hence his annoyance at you.

Not judging anyone, merely offering an explanation.
That is because vans have next to no traction on ice or snow, once stopped, they are usually stuck. Hence his annoyance at you.

Not judging anyone, merely offering an explanation.
I drive a van so i know what they're like in snow. Perhaps he just intended to
use my car to stop in an emergency and thats why he was so close. There
were no non 4x4's made it to the top of that hill it was really bad, but maybe
he would have been the exception.

And if i'd gone tear-arsing past all the stuck cars i'd have been the k******d...
This had been one of the most enjoyable to read threads in ages!
Just wanted to add my bit.....

I am a very calm person. Very patient, happy-go-lucky, like people, like meeting other people.
I have never had a fight, never needed or wanted to fight. Never hurt anybody either intentionally or other wise. I don't believe in violence, I'm rational, understanding, logical, sensible, friendly, kind, considerate.

All except when I'm driving :D

When I'm behind the wheel I turn into a complete animal. I scare myself. If somebody drives up my arse, I shout, scream, hurl abuse at them.
If somebody cuts me up, I do the same.
I am the most evil/nastiest driver I know. I really do have a prolem of some kind when I'm driving.
I hate, with avengance ALL van drivers, wether they annoy me or not. I go out of my way to annoy van drivers.

I've had such bad roadrage over the years, I've considered getting some kind of proffesional help (counselling, hypnotherapy etc) but sheer embarrasment has stopped me.
Since my little Ruby was born almost 3 years ago ( :eek: ) I have calmed down a bit. And when she is in the car I am Mr perfect.
But when she isn't, I turn into the devil again!!!

I have had a few run-ins with other drivers, the usual hand gestures, light flashing, horn beeping etc, but nothing major, thanks God.
Although there was the time some little muppet was riding his two wheeled hair dryer so close to my arse, I lost my rag and slammed the brakes on :LOL:
The funniest thing I have EVER seen him smacking into my back bumper and landing with a satisfying CRUNCH on the deck! Then he got a load of abuse from the Mrs when we stopped next to him :woot:

But seriously, I have somehow been lucky and avoided conflict.
But the worrying thing is what goes through my mind during a roadrage incident.
I seriously consider doing nasty things to the other person if they stop, and I also consider slamming my car into theirs at the next opportunity.
Some knobend pulled right across into my lane on the motorway a few weeks ago. No indication, no warning nothing.
I was literally a few inches away from a nasty accident. Hand gestures from me, lights, horn etc, and he didn't even acknowledge me.
I was sooooooo godamm close to driving into him (on purpose) it scared me more than the thought of nearly having a bad crash.........

OMG Andy get some therapy :LOL: I'm quite bad but you sound really Mr Angry :naughty:
Well done! I wouldnt have handled it that well at all. As soon as he opened the door i would have been out of my car telling him to get back in, I have very bad anger issues on the road especially if someone accuses me of doing something I havent done.
I drive a van so i know what they're like in snow. Perhaps he just intended to
use my car to stop in an emergency and thats why he was so close. There
were no non 4x4's made it to the top of that hill it was really bad, but maybe
he would have been the exception.

And if i'd gone tear-arsing past all the stuck cars i'd have been the k******d...

Going on the defensive to a post that specifically states that I was not judging you, merely offering an explanation, shows a character flaw. Maybe that is why you got so annoyed by the other driver?
Oh, you mean the 4 way flashers.

Nope, we don't need them either as we never break down.
Going on the defensive to a post that specifically states that I was not judging you, merely offering an explanation, shows a character flaw. Maybe that is why you got so annoyed by the other driver?
I dont see anything defensive with what i said, merely offered an explanation.
If you turn to page 263 of the amateur psychologists handbook it explains the
difference in full.... :LOL:
I used to drive a 1.2 punto and people would abuse me all the time, from pushing me up sliproads to never letting me out of one lane into another by speeding up when i put my indicators on. Now I drive something much more powerful, and because I'm a young chap, people assume its only got the smaller engine its available in, which takes them by suprise when I open the throttle on them. nothing better than seeing the smug grin on someones face as they speed up when your indicator goes on, disapear as the engine wakes up and pulls you forward and away in front of them.

C-Units, especially women in 4x4's. "no love, your 2.0 Q7 is the cheap version, me first!"
So a couple of years ago me and 11 other guys are about to go to the airport for a weeks holiday but to save on parking expenses we agree to meet at one person's house and get a minibus from there. 10 of the 12 of us had been around town together and were heading back to meet the remaining 2 and head off to the airport from there. Because there's 10 of us we're in 3 separate cars (I was a passenger of the furthest back car and not driving). The 3 of cars pull up to a roundabout in convoy and the lad in the first car has a gap and pulls away when a white van flies up to the roundabout and squeezes in just ahead of him from the next exit. My friend has to hit the brakes as hard as he can and leans on his horn to let his feelings known / alert him of his presence. After driving for a minute or so down the road the white van slows down ahead of our 3 cars and stops in the middle of the road, steps out of the car and walks towards the car behind him that he's just cut up. He's clearly angry and gesticulating aggressively and he looks pretty set on taking his aggression out on the driver. Obviously in his anger he'd failed to realise that the 3 cars, each full of 19 year olds, were together and he got the fright of his life when 7 of us from the 2 cars further back stepped out and 'politely' told him his mistakes. Needless to say he made a fairly hasty retreat back to his rust-bucket and sped off when he realised numbers were significantly against him.
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I've only ever had one problem, I upset a gentleman who was driving an old banger, beautifully polished with a big chrome silencer extension, lots of decals etc...
This gentleman was a little on the large side and was covered with tattoos, you know the type...

Anyway, I stopped at traffic lights and he came over to me, opened my door and was about to do something very unpleasant when he noticed that he was looking down the wrong end of my dry powder fire extinguisher, which as I was a taxi driver at the time I had clipped to the bulkhead by my right knee, nice and handy.

He decided he had nothing to say after all.
I've only ever had one problem, I upset a gentleman who was driving an old banger, beautifully polished with a big chrome silencer extension, lots of decals etc...
This gentleman was a little on the large side and was covered with tattoos, you know the type...

Anyway, I stopped at traffic lights and he came over to me, opened my door and was about to do something very unpleasant when he noticed that he was looking down the wrong end of my dry powder fire extinguisher, which as I was a taxi driver at the time I had clipped to the bulkhead by my right knee, nice and handy.

He decided he had nothing to say after all.

Step back otherwise i'll put you out :)

Nice one
As you've said we don't know the roundabout your refering to, but unless the exit on said roundabout has 2 lanes, I'd fail to see why you elected to take the right hand lane unless you were turning right:shrug:. Personally I'd never take the righthand lane for fear of someone in the left running into the side of me, most people have shocking lane disipline(sp?) on roundabouts.

At fear of sounding hostile, to somebody who doesn't know the roundabout, the 'straight on' looks like a 'right' turn, as it is more than 12 o'clock over the roundabout.

Joking aside, I've witnessed more than my fair share of reckless driving over the years, and you've guessed it, the majority were "young" drivers,now I could probably be described as old enough to know better, but I'm young enough to remember what I was like when I was late teens, early twenties and the things I used to do then make me cringe. So what I'm trying to say is, yes, the older and more expeirienced you become, the more aware of your own mortality and you have more respect for other road users.

One of my best mates wrote off his car only 8 hours after passing his test. Want to know how? He was doing 120 mph down a local road, and was still doing 55mph when he hit the roundabout at the bottom of the road, and was probably doing 40mph when his car was spinning through the air, and I'm willing to bet at least 30mph when he was sliding down the road upside down into a wall.

I once came up behind a young lad in a Corsa, which had the mother of all bodykits on it Pram handle, flared arches, the works. And as we left a 40mph limit the road starts to go uphill and turns into a crawler lane, so I thought, young lad, he's spent all his money on tarting up the exterior of the car it'll just be a 1.2L engine under the bonnet, right up to the moment he dropped a gear(or switched on the nitros) disappered into the distance, and left me sitting in the overtaking lane looking like a right tit.

Someone my friend knows has a Corsa GSI, which took a Honda S2000. Don't judge a book by its cover :p

this so reminds me of a quite funny story , well funny now looking back on it nigh on 20 years ago...........

I had a summer job driving for a large construction company.......... visiting sites, collecting soil samples etc, and this road sounds a similar layout to the OP thread.........

Roundabout Lane 1 - left
Roundabout Lane 2 - straight, or right..........

and I don't know why, but it always USED to bug me when people would bomb down the left hand lane, and go straight on......... #(layout has since changed)

So I am in a bright yellow Defender with "psycho Jim" in the passenger seat - yes, thats what everyone called him..... Rep in his repmobile Cavalier SRi comes down the inside lane - no way was I going to yield and let him go... I was 17 - in "my" Defender and I was "King of the road." No two ways about it, rep was going to back off, or be parked in the the worst, a defender should win if it came to metal on metal.........

So he backed off, and then spent the next mile on my bumper lights flashing before pulling up on the inside at the next traffic lights, (we were turning right.) and brandishes a 8" adjustable spanner through the window..........(why did he have one of these? Was he a spanner rep? Certainly a spanner!) "You ####### ####, etc etc. I'll f###ing hell have you with this.........." to which Psycho Jim, leans back into the landrover, and reappears with a 3ft pair of bolt croppers.......... "Yeah come on then, mate....whenever" " i er.... err I don't want no trouble mate..." windows up, door locked! Bizarre 20 yrs on.....:shrug:


Sean........I was taking the pizz :LOL::LOL::LOL: everyone knows that the overtaking lane is called the BMW lane, thankfully I drive a VW and I let bikers and boyracers pass me, I would rather have them up-front than behind me:LOL:

Sorry buddy, it's difficult to tell someone's tone on the internet!

What's an ALDI?

Light hearted banter towards drivers of specific vehicles is fine - but I detect more than this form some folk - proper hatred towards them. Not cool. Am I reading too much into this or maybe I am starting to get an insight into why I have had so many more people giving me me grief on the road now...

I don't hate anyone, I just severely dislike some people at certain times.

I'd hate a van/BMW/grannymobile driver if they drove like an idiot.

This had been one of the most enjoyable to read threads in ages!
Just wanted to add my bit.....

I am a very calm person. Very patient, happy-go-lucky, like people, like meeting other people.
I have never had a fight, never needed or wanted to fight. Never hurt anybody either intentionally or other wise. I don't believe in violence, I'm rational, understanding, logical, sensible, friendly, kind, considerate.

All except when I'm driving :D

When I'm behind the wheel I turn into a complete animal. I scare myself. If somebody drives up my arse, I shout, scream, hurl abuse at them.
If somebody cuts me up, I do the same.
I am the most evil/nastiest driver I know. I really do have a prolem of some kind when I'm driving.
I hate, with avengance ALL van drivers, wether they annoy me or not. I go out of my way to annoy van drivers.

I've had such bad roadrage over the years, I've considered getting some kind of proffesional help (counselling, hypnotherapy etc) but sheer embarrasment has stopped me.
Since my little Ruby was born almost 3 years ago ( :eek: ) I have calmed down a bit. And when she is in the car I am Mr perfect.
But when she isn't, I turn into the devil again!!!

I have had a few run-ins with other drivers, the usual hand gestures, light flashing, horn beeping etc, but nothing major, thanks God.
Although there was the time some little muppet was riding his two wheeled hair dryer so close to my arse, I lost my rag and slammed the brakes on :LOL:
The funniest thing I have EVER seen him smacking into my back bumper and landing with a satisfying CRUNCH on the deck! Then he got a load of abuse from the Mrs when we stopped next to him :woot:

But seriously, I have somehow been lucky and avoided conflict.
But the worrying thing is what goes through my mind during a roadrage incident.
I seriously consider doing nasty things to the other person if they stop, and I also consider slamming my car into theirs at the next opportunity.
Some knobend pulled right across into my lane on the motorway a few weeks ago. No indication, no warning nothing.
I was literally a few inches away from a nasty accident. Hand gestures from me, lights, horn etc, and he didn't even acknowledge me.
I was sooooooo godamm close to driving into him (on purpose) it scared me more than the thought of nearly having a bad crash.........

Blimey Andy!
I think you guys have to come spend a week driving in my country :LOL:; doing this will make you stop, hug and kiss every moron driver in UK. They drive drunk, in UK, better than 99% of the sober drivers in Saudi :bang:

Whenever I'm in UK, one of the pleasures I get is being able to drive endlessly without worry.

To put things mildly, if any of you have seen the movie "Mad Max"; I kid you not, driving here is as wild as it's in that movie :crying:
I was saying this the other day.

I went through a traumatic 'love' experience when I was about 16 and it's left a sour taste in my mouth, the cynicism occasionally getting the better of me. Relevance: I'm not very patriotic, and don't like England.

I find the people rude and ignorant, the country is boring and has no flair, the Government is a state, the technological advances aren't as far as other more sorted countries, I could go on.

I've just been to Crete, Greece with the lads, and after going to somewhere like this, it really made me appreciate my country and just how bloody special it is. The prospect of trading in my United Kingdom passport for American Naturalization is a sad one if that's the career path I choose.
I find people who do astrophically bad things, you beep them and they go mental jsut laughable. I was with my Mum and Dad, (Dad Driving) and we were on the motorway. Anyway at one junction there was a traffic jam which didn't concern us, until one old woman in a car decides she doesn't want to wait in the Jam anymore and rejoins the motorway from a standstill. There was a fair bit of traffic on the motorway and she rejoins and takes forever to get up to speed, so my Dad beeped her as he was doing 70 and she was doing 20 and was hardly going faster and he couldn't overtake her. So therefore they started swearing at my Dad lol. We just laughed at them so much.
I think i'm still going through one of those ...


haha mine was the typical teenage infatuation. i loved a girl who didn't love me back and so this situation was the worst thing in the world. combined with teenage angst, hormones, occasional melancholy and self doubt, i came out far stronger than if i hadn't gone through it at all!
my missus was 8 months pregnant and crossing a pedestrian crossing. Guy in Focus tries to drive through her and honks his horn. He had his window open so I punched him in the face.
Not the longest story in the world :)

My wife used to work in Manchester city centre, she crossed deansgate and a bus driver pulled off from a stop straight at her, if she hadn't run across the road he would have hit her, she was 8 months pregnant at the time.

If i'd been there I would have dragged him out of the bus.

I once got lost in Chesterfield and ended up on a dual carriageway in the wrong lane, as we approached the top I realised the lane I was in went right so I indicated to pull over.

The car behind me actually accelerated so I thought **** you and pulled over, there was still room but there would have been plenty if he hadn't sped up.

as soon as we out on the open road he overtook me and slowed to 30mph, when I tried to overtake him he'd speed up, eventually I thought **** and pulled over, he stopped 200m in front and waited for me and the cat and mouse started all over again.

this went on for a good 10 miles, eventually we reached a roundabout where he went left and me right, well he thought i'd gone right, I dropped back and followed him home.

as he pulled on his drive, I just drove past and mouthed "I know where you live ****er" he was a small bald guy, a real hero in his car

I thought about getting out but thought better of it settling for leaving him worrying when i was coming back.
I was in the car with my driving, going at 30mph in a residential area, when a guy pulled out in front of us. He looked scared at first, panicked, but when he realised we weren't going to plow into the side of him, he stuck his middle finger up and sped off. Bemusement doesn't even begin to explain our feeling at the time!

Had a similar incident on a roundabout, when a girl started drifting into our lane (we were on the inside going round) so I bibbed the horn a little as she was almost within mirror brushing distance, and she jumped, swerved back out into her own lane, then stuck her finger up and took her exit. Weird.

I was on a very busy roundabout near me, and a momentary lapse in concentration led me to move into the lane to the left of me when I should have stayed in the lane I was in. The BMW next to me gave a little bib, snapped back to reality and swerved back into my own lane. I placed my hand out of the window with the universal gesture for sorry/thank you.

Fantastic use of the horn for its primary function - reminding people you exist.
About 15 yrs ago I was driving through a car park when two lovely blonde young ladies started to pull out of a space in front of me. My 3 yr old son leant forward from his child seat (restrained by seat belt not a full harness) and started to give them a good blast of the car horn. They glared at me first, then thankfully the cheeky grin on his face gave him up as the culprit. They gave him a big smile and wave and drove off. My son still has a thing for blondes except they are his own age now instead of older. :LOL: