Recent content by xpc316e

  1. X

    Photographic quotes

    The quickest way to make money from photography is to sell your camera.
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    Great set, as far as I am concerned. It is a stunning city with lots of photo opportunities, and you have captured a lot of the feel of the place. My brother-in-law lives there; he is an architect and a keen photographer, and I get to see a lot of his efforts. I'd love to spend a few days...
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    advice and help

    Do you shoot in RAW? If you don't, then it might be worth a try because you can change the White Balance as you wish. That may help some of your issues.
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    My best efforts 2014

    A very impressive set, as far as I am concerned. My opinions might be slightly skewed as I love landscapes and motorsport, so you won me over right from the start.
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    B&W Close to home - making the most of what's nearby

    Tobers, you have produced a variety of excellent images of a location that many less-talented photographers would find dreadfully uninspiring. You have a unique style, and I very much like it. I look forward to the other images that you will post.
  6. X

    Was asked to stop taking photo's today for the first time!!!

    I work as a Road Safety Officer for a county council and a couple of years ago I visited a school to take some photographs of parental behaviour prior to returning to deliver an assembly, using the same photographs. I was wearing a high visibility vest, my council ID badge around my neck, and...
  7. X

    3 Lancs at East Kirkby

    Great photos! I have spent some good times at East Kirby, and used to live just a couple of miles away from Coningsby, so I am used to the sight and sound of these glorious machines. I must say that your photos capture the spirit of Lancaster very well - congratulations.
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    a few from the time trials in glasgow

    For me #3 is the best; I very much like the rider's facial expression.
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    Harley Davidson

    Both of these shots are superb as far as I am concerned. I'd love to see the idea used in #1 taken to a location that allowed more road to wind away from the bike into the background. For me that would sum up the spirit of why I, and a lot of other people, ride motorcycles.
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    Just Jane

    B&W really suits the subject and you have done a superb job in capturing the feel of the Lancaster. I too have spent time at East Kirby and it is a shame that your photographs cannot tell us about the glorious noise made by those Merlins.
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    Flying Legends Friday Pre Display

    You seem to have a good grasp of the techniques needed to get great shots of flying aircraft, but for me #3 and #7 are really gorgeous, and if forced to pick a favourite it would be #3.
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    Run To The Waterfront 2014 Scooter Rally in Lincoln.

    Getting down to the correct level is no problem at my advanced age; it is getting back up again that is difficult!
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    HELP! - First attempt at light painting

    That is a seriously good photograph, and if that is your first attempt, then you are very good indeed. It could easily appear in a glossy mag, or catalogue.
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    Stanced white mx5 miata

    Well, they're both not bad. I find the tree through the cockpit a bit distracting, and a little less foreground would suit me more.
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    Delightful Dee Flora

    It's a great shot which really emphasises the length of her neck; you have produced a very graceful image.