northern ireland

  1. monkeyleader

    Catching the last of Autumn ...

    or perhaps it had already gone ... Anyways, random ramblings here ...
  2. monkeyleader

    More Tom Swooshery

    Happy Boxing day everyone ... I'm away to make myself an epic Christmas Sandwich .... Have a good one .. cheers, Nige
  3. monkeyleader

    The Mermaid

    Aye more of that Tom Swooshery .... and this time he's thinking he's seen a Mermaid ...
  4. monkeyleader

    The Go-Around

    Mooching by the coast .... I love, on this particular beach, how the color of the wet sand contrasts with the flow of the tide .. A spot you don't often get to stand as most times the rage of the ocean would consume you ... The top right dryer patch annoys me but was impossible to take out in...
  5. monkeyleader

    Tom Swooshery ...

    Old Tom up to his old tricks again :)
  6. monkeyleader

    Pink Dawn

    As I arrived the whole place was bathed in this glorious pre-dawn pink light .. I even had to record a short video reminding myself that my white balance wasn't off ;) A slight breeze was creating patterns in the pool of sea water left behind from the outgoing tide which I kinda liked ...
  7. monkeyleader

    A few with the iPhone

    Down at Ballintoy, in Northern Ireland .
  8. monkeyleader

    Just Some Trees ....

    A subject I find very (very) difficult ... still it's great to escape to the woods .. Reach Light the Yellow Touchpaper thanks, Nigel
  9. monkeyleader

    The Flow

    A different view of The Giants Causeway as soft evening light dances on the waves washing over the famous stones. cheers, Nigel
  10. monkeyleader

    Something for Monday

    ... some soft light falling over White Rocks Beach, just outside Portrush in Northern Ireland. have a great week everyone ... Nige
  11. monkeyleader

    Chasing the Weather

    Back to the Herringpond (amongst others) for this week's vlog ..... we were promised some interesting weather so of course it's time to grab the camera. The XE2 had another soaking ..amazed that thing hasn't just moved out .. cheers folks and have a great weekend .. Nige
  12. monkeyleader

    A Trip to the Herringpond

    Morning all, One of my go-to places in all conditions is The Herringpond in Portstewart, Northern Ireland. And the location for my latest vlog ... Have a great week everyone .. cheers, Nigel
  13. monkeyleader


    'The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another'
  14. monkeyleader

    More of that there ICM stuff ...

    Yup, marmite time again I guess :) For those interested the vlog behind the image - shot on the Fuji X100T ... cheers, and have a great weekend everyone.. Nige
  15. monkeyleader

    Before the Sun Rose

    Another from my 'Stories from the Strand' series ...
  16. monkeyleader

    Through the Mist

    Another from a misty morning along the River Bann last month .. (and the vlog behind the image) Have a great weekend everyone .. w
  17. monkeyleader

    The Red Head

    After my last post, a nod to the purple rinse brigade, I think this one is a nod to all Red Heads out there :) Oh and for those interested the vlog behind the image .. cheers, Nige
  18. monkeyleader

    The Purple Rinse Brigade ..

    ... a little nod to them along the River Bann
  19. monkeyleader


    The Herringpond, Portstewart, Northern Ireland. One of the locations I visit again and again (and again). Have a great weekend folks .... (well unless you are a Burnley fan)
  20. monkeyleader

    The Dunes ...

    ... seem to be spending rather a lot of time bimbling through them these days :) These overlook Portstewart Strand in Northern Ireland. 4 stop ND filter to give a little touch of movement on the reeds in the foreground ...
  21. monkeyleader

    Next Time ...

    After coming across a little intimate scene I quite liked I setup the Fuji XT1 and waited for the light .... took the odd dander around and generally enjoyed the morning .... About 45 minutes later and just as the sun was rising over the dunes an over-excited pooch rampaged through the scene...
  22. monkeyleader

    A wee bit of light

    Glad those two clouds decided to make an appearance .... Have a great weekend everyone ...
  23. monkeyleader

    Two Fat Ladies

    ... something winter over .. something fat lady sings .. something something .. #grumbles
  24. monkeyleader

    Ripples of Light

    Post sunset bimbles on White Rocks Beach in Northern Ireland .. Cheers folks, Nige
  25. monkeyleader

    Rivers Edge

    Just some bimbling with the XT1 + 100-400 by the rivers edge .. Fire Over Water Sorcery Always rather impressed with the OIS on the Fuji 100-400 .. a few more handheld from the day here. Have a great day everyone .. Nige
  26. monkeyleader

    Mother Nature Wins ....

    ... Well it's the main reason why I love being outside, the battle with mother nature, be that a subtle one chasing pockets of light, or a full on in your face, your camera is going to die soon, kinda battle ... You can probably guess which one it was on this particular day. Some footage from...
  27. monkeyleader

    SearchLight ...

    .. given my location (outside a prison) I kept my head down in case they found me ..
  28. monkeyleader

    640 Seconds ...

    ..... Ramore Head, Portrush, Northern Ireland.
  29. monkeyleader

    Sent from Above

    Looking back towards Portrush the light sparkled over the sea below .. Fuji XT1 + 100-400mm lens Have a great weekend everyone ... >> Donegal for me ...(trying not to almost die this time)
  30. monkeyleader

    Benone Strand Dawn

    Morning all, A great location if reflections and patterns in the sand are your thing .. Merged some clips from the InstaStory feed .... A rather nice morning .. cheers, Nige