10 stop shots, show us what ya got!

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Just got my 10 stopper a few days ago and went out this morning with it for the first time.
The area I went to is a notorious drinking spot due to its location so I was always looking over my shoulder, even at this early time which meant I probably didn't give it enough time to play about with it.

Anyway, I took a series of shots which are below ranging from what the water looked like before and after my attempts.

Comments and pointers appreciated.


1. At the start.

Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

2. Very first attempt.

Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

3. Mmmmm.

Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

4. Best of a bad lot.

Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr
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Grape7 said:
Just got my 10 stopper a few days ago and went out this morning with it for the first time.
The area I went to is a notorious drinking spot due to its location so I was always looking over my shoulder, even at this early time which meant I probably didn't give it enough time to play about with it.

Anyway, I took a series of shots which are below ranging from what the water looked like before and after my attempts.

Comments and pointers appreciated.


1. At the start.
Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

2. Very first attempt.
Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

3. Focus is out but getting there.
Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

4. Mmmmm.
Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

5. Best of a bad lot.
Calder Water by Colin3156, on Flickr

Not great but even I can see the potential in them, just need to sort out the focus then lock it off as they seem very soft then just a little more thought on composition and exposure and you will be about there
Thanks for the feedback.
I know they're not great hence the reason for posting :D

How do I "lock off" the focus?
Grape7 said:
Thanks for the feedback.
I know they're not great hence the reason for posting :D

How do I "lock off" the focus?

Get the focus setup in auto then switch it too manual so that when you press the shutter, it remains the same !

Just make sure you don't knock the focus ring and you should be ok :)

10Stop B&W filter
F22 & 4 minutes I think

(just noticed it slopes slightly and I will get around to fixing it :LOL: )
Damianmkv, thank you for your kind comment :).

Heres another from Brimham Rocks, 'That Tree', it was a 'test shot' But I really liked the look of it. The blue is the colour cast from the Haida filter.

Brimham Rocks (7) by vikwaters, on Flickr
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Pew with a view - very nice. I have had a similar shot in mind forma while and now I have my 10 stopper I'll have to get off my backside and do it!
Pew with a view - very nice. I have had a similar shot in mind forma while and now I have my 10 stopper I'll have to get off my backside and do it!

I’ve a couple more from the pew with a view, but it could really do with a better pew, like an old wooden chair, or better still an old armchair! But can’t see me lugging an armchair to the beach :D

01 Pew with a view by paulsflicker, on Flickr
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Some real inspirational stuff in here. I've had my 10 stop for almost an entire year and still haven't managed to get out there and get any shots with it. I think this thread has given me the drive I need to get out there and give it a go.
this was my TP Day entry... left it a bit late in the day tbh, so it all became a bit noisy when i worked on it in PP. So with that in mind, i opted for a bit more grungy feel with a desaturate, vignette and dodge in some of the foreground.

Haida 10 stop - f/11, 17mm, 3 minutes.

TP_Day_2012.jpg by leftcurl, on Flickr
Hi guys, some amazing images on this thread! I'm just beginning with using a 10-stop (mine's a Haida ND3.0) Anyway here's a couple of my 1st attempts. Long way to go as you can see!!

Have to say I've enjoyed experimenting with the filter, so hope I can learn lots from everyone else on here. :) Cheers Graeme
Excellent Rob, really like that. Lovely b&w treatment too. Beautiful part of the world, it is so photogenic. Cheers G
some amazing photos in this thread!

i'm looking to get a neutral density filter... that's a 10 stop right?

I'm confused about the ratings they are given though, ND3, ND8 etc. Whats the best one to go for? Im looking at the cheapish ones on ebay by the way

Agree withe previous poster, some awesome shots in this thread, love the monochrome and colours shots above. Will have to give this approach a go my self when I can run to a decent ND set.