Critique 1st attempt at water droplets

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I've not had my camera out for a while and with the rubbish weather I had to find something new to try, something I can do indoors. I've been thinking of taking photos of water droplets or smoke so I nabbed so plastic pipette from work and printed out some random colour pages to bounce a flash off. I then ordered a yongnuo yn560 iii flash.

I finally had time to play today and here are some of the images I'm happy with. I started off using my Signma 17-50mm lens but once I switched to a "better bowl" I also changed the lens to my Sigma 105mm Macro lens.

I know I have plenty to learn and need loads more practice and I also need a better bowl setup (oh and maybe some gels). Please offer me advice and critique, what can I do to improve?

I hope you enjoy, there are a few more here:
Thanks Mandy!

Once I'd managed to get everything setup (with the help of youtube over the past week) it wasn't to difficult, my biggest issue is getting the drops in the correct/same place (I was hand holding the pipette). I think I'm going to have a look around work to see of there is any clamps I could borrow for my next attempt.
Your first try ? so far so good...........:)