1st Attempts at Macro with new lens

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Hi all

bought a Tamron 90mm a few months back but not really had the chance to use it until last weekend , my parents garden is a great place to be :)

Not really sure how to use it properly but the weather was glorious so had a go .

DSC_3725 by llj666, on Flickr

DSC_3732 by llj666, on Flickr

DSC_3761 by llj666, on Flickr

DSC_3767 by llj666, on Flickr

DSC_3774 by llj666, on Flickr

DSC_3712 by llj666, on Flickr

All were hand held , used the on camera flash as don't have an off camera one or ring flash & am really pleased with the results ....feel free to C&C as I'm here to learn (y)

Thanks for looking,Lynne
No 4 and 6 are spot on. Subject is very sharp and good DOF. No 1 and 2 I didn't really like. I'm not quite sure why, I think it's probably the composition that isn't quite right. The rose is nice. Very well lit and good detail.
In the one of the butterfly the focus seems to be on the flower instead of on the butterfly.
A very nice set of photos though.
Hi Lynne

I see your kit is evolving!

Love the pictures, especially the flower.

The DOF looks right in that everything that should be in focus is.
The detail is good too

I may have been tempted to try without the flash as it looks to have created a few highlights.

Cheers Neil ....I love that rose , the color was beautiful & I'm glad I managed to get the exposure somewhere near right & not spoil the color . I think I took a couple without flash so I'll take a look n see

No 4 and 6 are spot on. Subject is very sharp and good DOF. No 1 and 2 I didn't really like. I'm not quite sure why, I think it's probably the composition that isn't quite right. The rose is nice. Very well lit and good detail.
In the one of the butterfly the focus seems to be on the flower instead of on the butterfly.
A very nice set of photos though.

Hi ya , thanks for the comments...I still struggle with composition :bonk:

Not sure what happened with the utterfly , having looked again the focus does seem a bit off...think I was just so excited to get a butterfly that stayeds till long enough for me to press the shutter :LOL:
An excellent start into the world of Macro. Of course the majority of points have been covered. I'll re-iterate about the flash though. The on board flash is really going to hinder you. However if you're going to photograph bugs, sometimes you really do need the flash to freeze the action if they're a little active. If you don't have access to an ext. flash unit, try fashion a diffuser of some form to soften the flash on your camera a touch and maybe spread it out a bit more.

You've certainly capture good detail for sure in many of your shots. Focus is a little awry but I think every single one of us here can all say, we did the same thing and I can guarantee most of us here still suffer from it more than we'd care to admit too :D

I have to say, The rose is SUPERB! Absolutely stunning. To be honest, you nailed that one. It's by far better than many similar images I've seen in those "designer" home stores that charge you in excess of £100 for a canvas..

Lovely lighting, good focus and DoF.
Hi Lynne, I can only second what et al have said. That rose is gorgeous. You got the exposure bang on the money.
Why is it that some people try to my you sick....lol :puke:

Well done. Get that rose printed BIG and on ya wall....fantastic (y)
An excellent start into the world of Macro. Of course the majority of points have been covered. I'll re-iterate about the flash though. The on board flash is really going to hinder you. However if you're going to photograph bugs, sometimes you really do need the flash to freeze the action if they're a little active. If you don't have access to an ext. flash unit, try fashion a diffuser of some form to soften the flash on your camera a touch and maybe spread it out a bit more.

You've certainly capture good detail for sure in many of your shots. Focus is a little awry but I think every single one of us here can all say, we did the same thing and I can guarantee most of us here still suffer from it more than we'd care to admit too :D

I have to say, The rose is SUPERB! Absolutely stunning. To be honest, you nailed that one. It's by far better than many similar images I've seen in those "designer" home stores that charge you in excess of £100 for a canvas..

Lovely lighting, good focus and DoF.

Thanks Ian...need to look at the flash situation but it'll have to wait till next year . Lots to learn about Macro with focus being the biggie....the little critters never stay still for long :) & really pleased you like the rose (y)

Hi Lynne, I can only second what et al have said. That rose is gorgeous. You got the exposure bang on the money.

Cheers Martin(y)
Why is it that some people try to my you sick....lol :puke:

Well done. Get that rose printed BIG and on ya wall....fantastic (y)

Starting to blush about the rose now :LOL:

Hi Lynne

Rather nice set of shots.

Love the Brown Argus butterfly, I was trying to get shots of one last week unsuccessfully

Cheers Dave , wasn't sure what the flutterby was called ,missed the focus I think but still really pleased as by far the best shot I have of one of them (y)

Question....Hillwalking girl mentioned about composition....now I still on't really get this....it's a bug on a leaf , I had to trim quite a lot as stuff was in the way cos he was hidden behind loads of leaves & I couldn't get a better angle without disturbing him . Can someone tell me how I could improve the comp please ?

thanks loads ,Lynne
the rose is great nice smooth textures with sharpness in all the right places.
i really like the composition of the butterfly on the flower it has lots of repeated shapes with the petals and the wings, even if a little oof. i would however try a tighter crop as the edges are quite busy.
as for the flash issue most macro photography is lit with a flash as it enables a nice fast shutter speed and a low iso, ensuring good detail and no camera shake. if you do get hotspots with the flash use a diffuser see the macro rig thread and turn down the output of the flash