1st time light painting DM's

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So, tried this this evening, as soon as i got home from work, only had 40 minutes to execute this as well so bit of a rush job. I used my mobile phones screen for about 20 seconds at F6.7. I Tinkered with the contrast a little in CS5 and this is how it ended up.

In my rush I managed to snap the plastic memory card door on the side of my D5000 so that will teach me to rush my photography in future! now, where did I put that superglue? :thinking:
Nice pic(y) but the boots are a disgrace. A couple of hours with me and you'd be able to shave in them;)
A really nice effort (y) but I think that it would have had a better effect if you had placed the boots at a 30-40 degree angle to the camera so that we could see some of the side of the boot (y)

The light's nice and soft, suits the boots well. Would just like to see some definition around the top of the boots at the back. It's a pretty safe composition, whenever I've tried shooting shoes at an angle they end up looking awkward.
Thanks for the comments, i think I will try to position them a bit less boringly next time, perhaps with one pointing off the the side with a lower camera height, and catch some more light at the back as mentioned. I quite enjoyed this light painting technique, despite having to rush and breaking a bit of my camera :crying:

Nice pic(y) but the boots are a disgrace. A couple of hours with me and you'd be able to shave in them;)

The intention was to photograph old used boots though :LOL: