2 photos from a walk

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went for a walk and took loads of photos but only happy (ish) with 2

what do you think

C+C very welcome



I like the first one but maybe would be better with more foreground? Only having the two reeds (or whatever they're called) in focus just doesn't seem enough to me. Makes the background extra blurry if that makes sense?
Sean_m said:
I like the first one but maybe would be better with more foreground? Only having the two reeds (or whatever they're called) in focus just doesn't seem enough to me. Makes the background extra blurry if that makes sense?

I did take some with more reeds etc but it looked too cluttered. Went for the simplistic look :)
I really like the second pic but maybe a wider shot would look a little better? Or a little higher on the top of pic?
I love the colours in #1 and would ask was this a tripod shot? In which case I might have been tempted to have a smaller aperture to get a better background. A few more rushes wouldn't have hurt but i rather like the minimal look as I feel the colours are the picture.

#2 the composition is lacking any point of interest beyond the milky water flowing through. Reminds me of spilt milk and those are not jolly connotations ;)
Like the first one. The other one looks a bit too cluttered, i've taken shots like this myself, thinking thats a good view, but once there framed.... well, just seem a bit 'messy' in my opinion. Really like the first one though.
I agree with the above, 1st is great, not sure about the 2nd. I love the simplicity of #1