4000 up - permit me to indulge myself


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
Edit My Images
I have been wondering how to ‘celebrate’ my 4000th post without a ‘woohooo’ thread, so please forgive this bit of self indulgance.
After some thought, I dug out a CD marked ‘My Documents July 2003’ and had a look at some photos from back then. That was the year I first played with a digital camera, my Dads Kodak DX4330, with some 2MP’s and IIRC, x3 optical zoom and bought my own, a tiny little thing that was useless. It was also the year that I finally made it to a race circuit, having been an armchair fan for a decade or so. Lastly, it was the year I decided taking pictures again was what I really wanted to do and pictures of race cars were top of the list.

So, without further ado, the LadyLens 4000th post retrospective – Silverstone Revisited

None of these pictures have been edited in anyway [other than resizing] by me today, though I can’t guarantee I didn’t do anything to them at the time, but I don’t recall having any editing software back then, so probably not. They were taken with dads Kodak as mine just wasn’t up to the job.

#1 – I recall being so pleased with this one as it was taken as the cars steam into Bridge before braking for the right-hander, so just getting the car sharpish was a real achievement despite the fencing


#2 – Again was so pleased with this – we were walking over the bridge into the paddock area and one of the photography windows was open so grabbed a chance. This shot was not nearly as easy as it looks – the cars are coming down the pit straight hitting nearly 200 mph, from behind you and you can only hear them not see them until they come under you. Fisichella’s Jordan did several laps whist I stood there with my little p&s and I managed two shots with the car fully in frame and fairly focused!


#3 & 4

My favourite driver, Juan Pablo Montoya, and I managed to find him in the paddock. Not sure how I got these two shots, had wobbly knees and I was probably drooling at the time :LOL:



These next two were taken later in the year – these were pre-test limit days, when there would be 3 or 4 test sessions a year at the track – and by this time I had managed to buy my own camera, a Fuji S304 bridge type camera. It was so horrible and wet that afternoon that they opened the old luffield stands so that the brave souls that had come to watch could shelter from the down pour. This was Ralf Schumacher getting all wrong coming out of the complex into Woodcote



I am cannot say for sure if my photography has improved in the last 5 years, certainly the cost of the kit has spiralled and lugging it around now takes a day or so of careful planning :LOL:

What I do know, is that over the last 4000 posts, I have learnt more than I did in the previous 4 years put together, all thanks to the good people of TP!

Thankyou to every single one of you, its been a hoot and long may it continue. (y)
:clap: Congrats on your 4000th firstly!

:clap: Congrats on coming such a long way secondly ;)

I went through some of my earlier shots recently and actually felt myself blushing at some :LOL: I can remember feeling proud of such rubbish, but I didn't see it as rubbish then.

Your shots are much better than my earlier shots!

Edit: just to give you an idea... here is one of mine from my one and only day at SIlverstone, baaaaaaaaaad PP :LOL: :

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Congrats LL :) I daren't look back at my older shots :| so well done for doing so (y)
Thanks Jo :D I should mention that these are some of my earliest digital shots - some 9 years earlier I had been using film for quite a long time but had to give it up for financial reasons. It was the first time I have ever attmepted anything that was moving that quickly, my really early stuff are all landscapes and family snaps :nuts:
Congratulations LadyLens on the achievement. When's the party?!
Very nicely and subtly done Yvonne (y) but you don't get away that easily I am still gonna get my
emoticon out :D
Very nicely and subtly done Yvonne (y) but you don't get away that easily I am still gonna get my
emoticon out :D

No need for that Chris!

Yvonne is a lovely lady. I know I'll get told off for saying this but she's a babe!!
Well done Yvonne you hit 4000 as I hit 5000 and check the thread for how I celebrated ;)

Nice shots - but you've come a long way :D
No need for that Chris!

Yvonne is a lovely lady. I know I'll get told off for saying this but she's a babe!!

Oh I know Clive I have met her and I expect to get a slap next time we meet :D
:woot: Congratulation on 4000 posts Yvonne :banana:

And what a great way to celebrate the occasion (y)