40D or 450D?

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Thinking of picking or or the other of these up, was wondering if people reckon I should just do straight to the 40D, or is the 450D worth a decent consideration. they're pretty much similarly priced, I'll probably be relieving someone on ebay of one or the other.

Don't think there's a massive difference between them is there? I know the 40D's a semi-pro, and has the metal internals and weatherproofing, but I can't say I ever had any problem in regards to that with my A300.

Then on the other hand with the 450D you get the new battery (but then I'll be getting a grip with either anyway, so I doubt battery life will be much of an issue.

the 450Ds are very light, no weight to them at all,
and as good as the large display is on the 450 (even *** the 40D is the same size) i didn't like it, it takes over the back, i think its too big (not for reviewing the pics - but for the menus, the font is huge)

get your self down to a camera shop and check them out, see what you think for handling and weight.

I'd personally go for the 40D.
I have a 450D and I love it, but if I had the chance to go back and buy again, I would take a 40D.
Have a look here for a list of differences between the two.

IMHO if you can get either for similar money then it has to be the 40D :)
Hi, have to agree the 40D is the one to go for.
I have a 450D and I love it, but if I had the chance to go back and buy again, I would take a 40D.

I have a 40D and I love it, and if I had the chance to go back and buy again, I would take a 40D.
I have 2 40D bodies and love them, for me they are the ideal camera and meet all my reqirements. I looked at the 400D at the time and it just didn't feel right to use.
what does the a300 not offer that the other two options do?
I had a 400D and now have a 40D. For me the smaller body was not comfortable to hold. I love the build quality of the 40D. Another vote for the 40D. (y)
Have to say go for the 40D - same as Dave for me, went from 400D to 40D and haven't looked back. The controls are that much more intuitive and the build quality is a marked improvement.
40D 40D 40D! if only for the resale value itself :) I've just upgraded from a 400D to a 40D and I love it! Fantastic camera! It just feels so much better in your hand.
Some good points here and while the 40D is a better camera be careful of the size, especially if like me you have smallish hands. I went from a 400D a couple of months ago and tried the 40D in a shop for as long as I could, the 400D was a bit small and benefited from having a grip for me but I don't think I could use the 40d with one, it really is that much bigger and heavier so as chewyuk says try one out - if possible borrow one for a half day or so.

As far as image quality goes I don't think there's a vast amount in it , so far for me I was getting better results with the 400D but hopefully this will change as I get more used to the new camera . So try, try, try before you part with any cash, 600 quid is a lot to make a mistake with , if wifey hadn't bought me a new lens for Christmas I would seriously have considered a change for a smaller camera in the new year.

I have smallish, slightly arthriticky hands and had the 400D for a couple of years, and yes it was super.......but I have now moved to the 40D and suprisingly it feels better........yes it's larger, but it feels very much more balanced, especially with a big lens on it. With the 400D I was always worried the weight of the 70-200 would damage the mount!

I even use the 40D with the battery grip on sometimes (if planning to be out all day and shooting a lot) and it's ok....though I admit to hands hurting a bit by the end of a long day. Move on up to the 40D...........you won't regret it!
No contest 40 D.
As said previously I'd definately go to the shop and have a hold. It made my decision a lot easier