40D & Wireless Flashgun


Amanda & Aaron
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Im confused! HELP!!!!

I have a Canon 40D and a Sigma EF-500 DG Super ETTL 2 flash gun. I am a vary rare user of the flash gun as I do a lot of studio work but have recently got the creative streak and decided to start playing a bit more for moody shots.


I am trying to work out how I can get my 40D to talk to the flash gun when shooting wireless.

I have read (and understood what I can ) of the manual.... looked at the 40D manual... but have now come to the conclusion that there are too many technical words for my brain to take.

Does anyone know if a Dummies Guide is out there - or can just explain it in english????

Have a search in this forum for 'wireless trigger' and have a read of some of the resulting posts.

Basically you are wanting a bit that goes on your camera, and then a bit that the flash connects to. They range in price and quality greatly, so it's worth having a read through here first to find out which ones work and which ones don't.

Bottom line: You need a wireless trigger.
