44 years old and a trip to hunstanton

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Hi, to celebrate my birthday friday took the wife to Hunstanton for the day after getting a saturday off for good behaviour at work. Even the weather played ball and we had a lovely day. Pleased with some of the shots i took, but wife panicked me about the carpark so rushed the sunset somewhat in the rush to get back to evade a fine. Comments and presents welcome lol. Need a 10-20 lens if feeling generous lol.

hunstanton12 by woody174, on Flickr

hunstanton7 by woody174, on Flickr

hunstanton3 by woody174, on Flickr

hunstanton2 by woody174, on Flickr

hunstanton11 by woody174, on Flickr
Like 1 and 4 best. I guess the curving horizon in the first shot is due to the wide angle lens but find it a bit distracting. Hunstanton is a great place and the rocks are so photogenic under the right lighting.
Thanks for comments guys, had a lovely day and even got some good shots to boot so I'm happy.
I'm no expert at all, but I think the sunset shot could have been improved if you'd have used a smaller aperture (photo taken at F8), thus achieving the "sunburst" effect. F16 might have better. Though I appreciate you said you had little time.

#4 for me too.
Thanks pat for advice, will try next time I'm out shooting a sunset. Really wanted the sun to dip a bit further and give a nice glow rather than the bright in your face that I got, but wife was screaming about car park and getting fined for being late back lol. All I needed was another 20-30 minutes story of my life really.
cant put a price on a decent shot ;)

lovely images however!