
Nice images there... I'm not sure on the processing in the first one though. That top right corner is bothering me quite a lot. It's just a huge grey blob where the highlights should be. It would be much better without it. The whole processing of shot 1 seems over-cooked to me.

Love the the other two though. Being picky I;d have not cropped the "circle" window thingy in the second shot though.
Nice set no2 for me:)
Looks like the third shot was taken from the exact same spot as one of mine in my thread I posted yesterday! The bit where the walkway widens over the cars below.

Either that or you were hanging over the fence!

Very nice set.
Love number 2, great lines and tones. I do agree about the top of the circular window being slightly cropped off, bit of a shame. Minor issue though!

I rather like no. 3, too.
I like the first shot compositionally. Ease off on the processing and you'd have a good version of an oft' shot scene :)
Love the Brooklyn Bridge shots. We didn't end up walking across it when we went in Feb.

Great shots overall!