5 today - back with the ringflash

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Getting frustrated with the twin flash head unit and it's long flexible arms in the garden - when you're chasing things in bushes and branches etc, the arms are quite a hindrance, so I put the ring flash back on, and it's so much easier.

So we have a fly, a dronefly, a busy bee in the apple blossom, and an aphid family outing (one little 'un was brown amongst all those green ones oddly... and one was getting a piggy back ride!)






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Really great set of images Paul, for me the last two are right on the money.(y)

Like I said before, I couldn't use something like that as you have found out.
Decisions decisions.
As George said, last 2 are great.
These are great!, looks like i have found a new interest in macro photography as this section is always the first i visit these days. The first 2 are my favourites :)
Like I said before, I couldn't use something like that as you have found out.
Decisions decisions.
As George said, last 2 are great.

The arms on the Twin are a royal pain in the ass. Catching on everything. RF is so much easier as it's tucked in close. (y)

These are great!, looks like i have found a new interest in macro photography as this section is always the first i visit these days. The first 2 are my favourites :)

Marc - macro is ace, and what you see is so radically different from what you thought it looked like when seen in the normal way!

So can you see a use for the twin head setup or do you think that RF trounces it because of accessibility.

Obviously a lot of what you do is bugs so as you say disadvantage is always cumbersome/awkward.

Need to work out a way to dome your ringflash rather than layered flat on the unit or have you done this already. I need to try our setup with my old way see if the 2 can work together with 1 layer removed.

Nice set... bet ettl helped here too ;)
RF is SO much easier. Those arms are always in the way in the garden. But in a set-up shot, the twins can be really good.

The harley shots? They were from the garden but I snipped of the twig and placed it at a working height. On the tree, with the KR800, I would have had no chance.

I need to dome the RF yes - a small dome though so that it doesn't protrude too much forward - seeing as the RF is between the lens and subject and working distances of next to nothing means flat is easier, unless the dome is good, if you see what I mean...

As a quick pointer - with the RF back on the camera - I went out tonight into the garden, and took the one photo of my resident walnut orb spider - and this was hand held (I don't do HH, 99.5% of the time) and got a reasonable snapshot leaning across the wheelie bin!

With the KR800 I would have had to reposition the heads and check the power and see if it were to great or too little, etc, move the heads, repoewer the power, etc.. :meh: :indifferent: :rage:


Now you learn something new each day did not know you were Mr Tripod....

Maybe Venus should have given me the flash lol ;) I work with some god awful awkward setups :p

I broke the hotshoe joint on my Nissin di866 the other day so had to go to a yn560 iii (full manual) so lighting that way is trial and error and can be well frustrating to say the least so I feel your pain. Guess this light is going to be worse as it's not static so general right power settings won't work.
Mr Tripod - yeah that's me for sure.

And my knees - omg they suffer when I've been on the ground knelt for 5 minutes!

And as for Venus giving - well, the new lens might be interesting, whoever might get one. The latest I have on the 15mm wide angle macro is that it allows you to focus up close in true macro mode, one to one, but it allows you to keep the background in the photo - thus "setting the scene" as it were. How cool does that sound?

Yeah that would be awesome as don't believe (well on my test) on crop you can use a 15mm with tubes. Tokina 11-16mm

So this is a very unique thing if it works and optics are as good as 60mm.

Though Ive been looking for 20mm + 24mm old primes to use with tubes to do the same thing ;)
Nice. Were the aphids captured with the Venus? Much of a crop? Extension tubes? TC?

No tubes. Virtually at 2:1 on those. Cropped for rotation/straightening, so yeah a little bit but not too much. :)

Very nice set Paul. Do you add any diffusion set up in front of the RF? Always wonder how good a RF is compared to twin flash and by the looks of these not much difference at all.
Really nice set Paul, those aphids are superb, must of been quite large ones if thats a minimal crop at 2:1?

Bit more than I first thought actually, lol... Sorry ;)

A very nice set well impressed

Thank you :)

Very nice set Paul. Do you add any diffusion set up in front of the RF? Always wonder how good a RF is compared to twin flash and by the looks of these not much difference at all.

I have diffusion on yes - packing foam, polystyrene and milk bottle actually... :)
