5d2 vs D700

specialman said:
OP - how did you find the AF on your D300? Be prepared for a big departure if you move to a 5D2. Great camera in terms of resolution, IQ, ISO handling (etc) but its AF system is its achilles heel if you're used to plenty of AF points that are spread liberally around the frame. Mind you, there are a shedload of very, very good lenses to buy into with Canon that are a definite point of interest for prospective FF users....

That is ultimately why I didn't switch back. The thought of that diamond af system with only one cross point makes me shudder.
I really could not get on with the AF on the 5D MkII. It is the one area that lets the camera down, and for me the most important area after IQ. For stills the 5D was great but for anything that moved I had far too few keepers. This was with decent L glass as well.

Some have suggested that I had a dodgy copy, and this may well be true but I couldn't be bothered testing muliple samples in the hope that I'd find one to my satisfaction. Until Canon update the prehistoric AF to something 7D-like, I personally would choose a Nikon if FF is a must have. I ended up exchanging/upgradimg my 5D II for a 7D and couldn't be happier. I do however shoot mostly sports and fast moving kids so FF did not really matter for me.
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Add my 2p
how much the Photographer is prepared to spend on a Camera and Lens setup
and the type of photography they intend doing should be the first thing a newcomer to DSLR photography should be doing before parting with cash

in most cases a Canon 7D or Nikon D700 are in the Pro - semi pro bracket and either would yield great results for most tasks
then it gets down to the really nitty gritty with issues like noise and dynamic range water proofing autofocus Frame rates, built like tanks for ruggedness that is the World of top end Pro models in the £4000 plus range - and as such the OP of this thread is unsure about what to buy with either Lens or Camera I dont think a newcomer should be considering top end cameras

I personally see the various Nikon and Canon models as some really great at some things and the other maybe not so good as and example the D700 and above is exceptional at handling noise whereas I feel the Canon's are good but not exceptional but great with video and dynamic range

Canon has a much Larger range of Lenses to choose from - and I am not saying sharper here just a much larger range to buy
ALL the top Primes and higher end zooms from both camps give stellar image quality

so in essence the OP should be asking what do I intend shooting - if weddings I would say get a Canon 5dmk2
or intend doing a lot of inside dark shooting get a Nikon D700 - if you want a great all rounder with good Video as well get a 7D

but all this Nikon V Canon mine is best stuff is pretty boring to be honest
The OP has already stated what he is going to photograph and stated he wants a full frame camera, personalty on his brief i would suggest the 5dMK 11 will give him what he wants, having said that if he has a load of Nikon glass then the d700 will not let him down. He need to go and play with both and decide. I agree about the Nikon Canon crap, my post was in response to the ridiculous statement posted by another member.
If you are considering a tilt/shift lens then you need to buy Canon as there is nothing like the 17L TSE or 24L TSE Mk2 in the Nikon range.

As for the two systems, there is little to choose between them, you need to try them both out and see which fits (figuratively speaking) best for you.
A couple weeks ago I had the same problem, canon 5dmkII or D700?

After spending hours of searching and reading I decided to get 5dmkII.
I bought canon because it has got HD recording, more pixels, lighter, camera user settings (C1, C2, C3) and I've got great discount from Jacobs when I bought it as a kit.
The only problem what I've noticed that it hasn't got the best AF when is dark and it hasn't got flash but I've got now 580exII if I need it.
Also I think Canon has a better menu and is easier to move about than Nikon's one. I had Nikon before and it was very easy to change.

I'm very happy with my decision and I would not change it.
OP - how did you find the AF on your D300? Be prepared for a big departure if you move to a 5D2. Great camera in terms of resolution, IQ, ISO handling (etc) but its AF system is its achilles heel if you're used to plenty of AF points that are spread liberally around the frame. Mind you, there are a shedload of very, very good lenses to buy into with Canon that are a definite point of interest for prospective FF users....

AF was perfect. Especially on good prosumer lens'!

Loved that you just move the square around to where you want to selectivly focus, instead of having to choose a pre defined focal point.

I dont do studio etc but i do love shallow depth of field when outside which is why I want full frame. TBH the only reason im thinking of canon is due to the 85L and Nikon do not offer a mainstream equivalent apart from that £10k F0.95 lens!
If you are considering a tilt/shift lens then you need to buy Canon as there is nothing like the 17L TSE or 24L TSE Mk2 in the Nikon range.

As for the two systems, there is little to choose between them, you need to try them both out and see which fits (figuratively speaking) best for you.

Well, that's not true. There's no 17, but there are the 24, 45 and 85 (and unlike the Canons, the 45 and 85 can do 1:2 macro as is, or go 1:1 with a teleconverter, and even the 24 goes past 1:3). But that was already gone over earlier :)

Have you managed to get to a store yet OP? Trying the cameras out will give you a much better idea.
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AF was perfect. Especially on good prosumer lens'!

Loved that you just move the square around to where you want to selectivly focus, instead of having to choose a pre defined focal point.

I dont do studio etc but i do love shallow depth of field when outside which is why I want full frame. TBH the only reason im thinking of canon is due to the 85L and Nikon do not offer a mainstream equivalent apart from that £10k F0.95 lens!

Apparently the sigma 85 1.4 is arguably better than the 85L.
Supposedly it's sharper at the same aperture, and focuses faster.

Raymond has a lot to answer for! :p

Haven't looked at the Nikon 85 1.4g personally, as it's well out of my price range.
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Until Canon update the prehistoric AF to something 7D-like, I personally would choose a Nikon if FF is a must have. I ended up exchanging/upgradimg my 5D II for a 7D and couldn't be happier. I do however shoot mostly sports and fast moving kids so FF did not really matter for me.

I have a 7D and a 5D (mark I but same AF system I think) - I much prefer using the 5D for the vast majority of stuff. I don't shoot loads of sports though.

Ultimately the D700 is probably a better camera, but I am into video also, and there does seem to be more/cheaper lenses for Canon.
The 5D would be more suited to your needs. Although the D700 would do the job equally as well.

But good luck taking photo's of people incognito when they have a big white (Canon) lens pointed at them.

IMO Canon offer better wide angle lenses whilst Nikon have the better telephoto. Even though Canon offer more choices in that category.