5DmkIII what do you save to the SD card

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I've just ordered a pair of 5DmkIIIs to replace my mkIIs and will be using both card slots at weddings.

Interested to hear from people in a similar situation what they put to the SD card, is it full RAW (this is what I will put on the CF) or do you do mRAW or JPG.... or something else?

For those using full RAW to both slots so there is a complete backup, does this slow down the buffer or is it OK?

I'm considering getting either Sandisk 95 MB/s or Lexar 90 MB/s SD cards if that will help, the CFs I use are all Sandisk or Lexar 60 MB/s.

Thanks :)

I shoot medium RAW to both 32GB cards so I have an instant backup. The SD card is never taken out of the camera and is purely in case of card failure.
I have raw saved to both cards simultaneously and never had a problem with the buffer filling at weddings, but I only shoot on single shot anyway. It's been suggested you won't gain anything by using an SD card faster than 45Mb/s. I have a 32Gb Sandisk 95Mb/s SD card and use 8Gb 60Mb/s CF cards
As you shoot weddings, i'd of thought the sensible thing to do would be to save RAW to both.
I only shoot for pleasure and save RAW to CF, and jpeg to SD.
Good time to but a Mk 3 as most dealers are doing the grip for half price and giving away lightroom 5 AND elements 11 gratis too!
I have my CF set to RAW and the SD set to LF Jpeg.

Buying SD cards that are that fast (and expensive) won't speed up your shooting, unless you are future proofing your purchase! :)

The SD slot in the 5DIII doesn't really benefit from anything faster than a 45Mb/s card!

If you hammer it, you'll get about 9-14 shots on High Speed Continuous - which should be fine for a wedding. The buffer takes a second or two to clear.
Thanks everyone for the info.

I have mine set to full size raw on both cards with smaller CFs changed regularly and a 32Gb SDHC acting as a backup.

Think this is going to be my plan Mark, just wanted to check I was thinking along the right lines. How many shots do you get on that 32Gb card?
I usually just have the SD card as an overflow if I'm shooting jpegs or 'for my own pleasure, which is a lot of the time, but if I'm shooting anything critical I use the CF for large raw and the SD for jpegs. I'm not a machine gunner, even with wildlife and birds, so I've never filled the buffer of either card. I don't think you'll notice a massive difference between the photos from the MkII to the MkIII but you'll sure notice a big difference in the works, specially the AF system.