7 from Queen Street Station - Cardiff

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Shot these whilst waiting for the train to arrive. I think in No.6 the lady was looking in my direction when I took the image but as I was shooting from the hip, she didn't notice I was taking her portrait. Unlike the guard on the platform who had a right go at me for taking images, saying I needed permission, it was a security risk, people plant fake bombs here and I could be a terrorist! Luckily TFW follows the same guidelines as Network Rail with photography, I know as I seeked clarification from them so next time I'm there shooting I'll show him the reply from the head office so help educate him that photographers are not terrorists!

Anyway, here's the 7 (One is a mono version so not counted) that I shot whilst waiting the 15 minutes for the train.

1. Empty For Some Time
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

2. Dominant Red
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

3. Criss Cross (colour)
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

4. Criss Cross (mono)
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

5. In The Light
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

6. Windswept
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

7. Flat View
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr

8. Lego Blocks
Queen Street Station by Gareth Williams, on Flickr
They all have their own charms Gareth but No.5 is the stand out one for me. Well done for them all but especially No.5 :D
Very nice set of candid street style captures Gareth, liking them all with #5 being my fav'.