70-200 f4 IS for churches?

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Ok- I am selling my gear, but as I won't get much for my 40d I am thinking of getting a long lens for the times my new EVIL won't manage.

The main things I can think of are sports and churches. Sports, ok, churches ?

Pretty sure everyone is going to say the 2.8.

Would 135Lwork, wonder about the lack of zoom.

Or is there a good EVIL that could work in these conditions?
F/4 is likely to be waaaay too slow for a lot of churches....you will probably struggle with f/2.8 as well depending on the ISO performance of your body and how steady you are...
The 70-200mm F4 i.s is rated at shooting at 4 stops less. But for safety lets base it on 3 so at it's longest length due to the crop factor your shutter without i.s should be 1/320 of a second. So that would allow you a shutter speed of 1/40 at the longest length with i.s. At the shortest length the shutter speed would be 1/15 of a second. So it would be possible i shot a wedding with the f4 i.s while the F2.8 was being serviced and it did the job.
Hope this helps.