
Your posting size must be 1000pix on the longest side, at present this one is 1200 X 503.

The foreground and sky are not bad, but the mid area has lost detail. For me the cliffs and the water line just under them seems a little lost. I cant think is it through the greyscale convertion, just the shot its self or just too much PS?

Sorry but its my opinion.

don't be sorry, that's why i put it here, to garner opinion... after a day's rest, i can see now that I've gone too far with the processing and I understand where you're coming from. The main problem, apart from some ham-fisted work in PS, is that the picture is terribly woolly... perhaps i'll revisit this spot in some good light with a tripod... rather than handheld in midday light on a blustery day... thanks for taking the time to comment.
i think the image would really have worked well if there was some detail in the cliffs as i reckon the shot has alot going for it; the line of the incoming waves serves as a good lead in, i like the reflections on the wet sand and i think the sky is veyr much suited to a mono conversion. after having a very quick play in PS i think contrast around plus 20 makes the images stand out a tad more.

thanks for sharing

Good points: you've got clouds...always a bonus in landscapes where you have either all blue sky or total overcast it seems. LOL And I like the overall composition and contrast. As pointed out earlier, your mid-ground element (the hills/trees/houses?) are underexposed. While you say you've been a bit ham-fisted in the processing, I'm not so sure I agree; just would add that you need to try to recover some of the detail in that one dark area.

Nice overall shot that just misses by a bit. (I've got my share of the same!)
For me the edited version still needs a tad more PP work to lighten up the midground shoreline. The water reflection on the sand is imo really neat and makes the image.