9V Rechargeable Battery

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In the world of AAs and AAAs, it's all very easy - Eneloops/Eneloop like technology, and job done. But how about 9 volts?

Maplin has 3 x 200mAH own brand for £9.99, and 7dayshop has good reviews for its 250mAH one (£3.99 each). Then there's the usual Energizer/Duracell rechargeables, all cladded in silver :bonk:

What to get?
I've bought all my rechargeable batteries from 7dayshop in the past, although I've never bought a 9 volt one. I use their own brand 2900Mah AA's and they are fantastic, no reason why the 9 volt ones shouldn't be the same.
Thanks - I just remembered I use the 7dayshop ones in my wireless triggers, just wondering if anyone had experience with the Maplin ones, or more importantly if the 7dayshop ones are worth the extra pound?

Both are not the standard low discharge type so they have a limited life span anyway.
What is it to be used in? For all intents and purposes, standard 9V batteries are absolutely useless. 200/250mAh is pathetic by today's standards, and the internal cells are very high resistance meaning you can't fast charge them, and they can't give out decent amps when discharging either.
Mini amp? Anything other than 9V would've made me very happy but no choice!
Thanks! Bought some Uniross Hybrios, basically 9 volt Eneloops, just what I wanted.