A couple from Glencoe

These are super, super nice. I hope they're already in frames and hanging on your wall.
@momoka if you want to get really pedantic, only two of the four shots were taken within Glen Coe ;)

Thanks folks.
Yes well if you thought this was pedantic then me corrected you on actual location would have been a brain overloaded. ;)
Fantastic set, with number 4 my favourite - that could almost tempt me to want to come to Scotland.
A rather lovely set, although I reckon you could get more out of 2 with a little more processing - I think it's a little yellow currently and could have a bit more drama thrown into it with a quick edit. This is by no means perfect but hope can show the kind of mood I'm thinking - colour balance +22 midtone blue, levels - mid 0.84, shadow recovery in Shadows/Highlights tool, vignette and small highlight reduction in Camera Raw Filter:

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I know I could over process it to look however I wanted it to look like, but it is how it was at the time. It's also the reason I say no to people editing my images, just as you have too ;)
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Just a couple of shots from Glencoe taken throughout last year.... I adore Glencoe, I get up here as much as I can, which means a lot, so try and keep away from the typically cliche shots.

1. Taken last February.
Subtle by Martin Steele, on Flickr

2. Taken Saturday gone.
The Coupall, cottage and the wee Buachaille by Martin Steele, on Flickr

3. Taken last February.
The barn by Martin Steele, on Flickr

4. Taken December '14
The Three Sisters by Martin Steele, on Flickr
Captivating set of images - thanks for posting them.