A couple of Birmingham shots


Nutcrack Rapids
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Saturday was very dull and grey, so though the City is really very nice looking, the light was too flat to do it much justice. On the waterways things got a little better with some inbuilt colour.

Loved you in wall street! :)

The waterbus

Now I know why they call them 'narrow' boats!

A bit out of the centre
Cool Does that back onto Broad street? Looks familiar, think I stayed in the hotel on the left! :)
Never seen a pink barge before though.
Went there last December at night and was rather nice including rather smart restaurant.

How was the Geekfest? :wave:
Nice shots :) Pretty much the nicest place in Birmingham where you went, I like it up there. Did you use a tripod for these or not?

The pink barge does like a tour of Birmingham canals.
No Tripod Nath, just the 17-85 IS on my 300d. The shots above don't look as sharp as they might because of the resizing for the forums.
You're right about the Pink boat it's called the Waterbus and does 30 minute round trips 'with commentary'. It takes maybe 10 passengers and is really quite small especially compared to some of the barges.

scoff it probably does back onto Broad Street but thereby hangs another sad tale, of miles walked and sore feet :)
They look fine to me I was just wondering because the weather didnt look very good, but does it ever!

What did you think of Birmingham anyway?
Very anachronistic! Good images - a lost generation.

Barges/canals brought about their own demise. Ferried all the materials to feed the industry that produced the railways.... :(
hmm, that second boat comes from just down the canal from me! (Bradford on avon) All looks nice and colourful though, despite the grey weather!