A couple of French castles.

Nicely composed shots but the clouds look a little spray painted.

If that's exactly how they really were then forgive me, but if you used the burn tool you might want to back off a bit or burn on a dupe layer and play with the opacity.

Best wishes.
Nope, no burning.....the first one was 2.5 seconds and the clouds were moving pretty quickly in an almost circular pattern overhead (which was a little worrying...) so they do have a little motion blur. The darkness had an 'end of days' feel to it and the storm that arrived 20 minutes later certainly felt that way!! :eek: In #2 and #3 I've not changed the skies, aside from a general 'topaz clarity adjustment'!

Here is a 13 second exposure I took about 10 minutes after #1, as it was getting darker...it shows the circular motion a bit better!

IMGP0378aR by Fuzzyfelt30, on Flickr
Thanks, guys.

Here's a B&W I did earlier of a very similar shot to #1! I've added some grain to try and hide some banding in the sky.....not sure if it works though?

brie4 by Fuzzyfelt30, on Flickr
No 3 and the mono one are the stand out shots for me

Great reflections and moody sky get me every time (y)
Thanks, Big Nick.....and that was definitely a moody sky!!
My landscape skills are nil, so I can`t give any useful C&C other than I really like these, all have a very atmospheric feel to them.

May I ask, has number 3 had HDR done to it?
It has.....#2 and #3 were both 3 shots processed in Photomatix.
It is very subtle and done very well.

I usually loathe HDR, but these are not overdone in my opinion. The third one is super.
Thanks very much! :) I'm still experimenting with all the settings and sliders etc. but I think I'm getting to the point where they don't look too fake!! I find that in quite a few instances, instead of always using the normal -2, 0, +2 (or -4, -2, 0, +2, +4) I can get a better result using -4, -2, 0 then upping the exposure etc. in CS6! :thinking: Maybe that is just me not knowing what I should be doing!! :)
Nice work, 1 and 2 for me :)
I like the first. I'm a HDR hater, but this is done nicely. It's subtle. I'm not a fan of 3 as much as the HDR is starting to show it's ugly side, and I think with normal processing it could be really nice.
Thanks once again, everyone! :)