A few different ones... maybe!


Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Me Dibble and Grubb
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a few shots from over the couple of few weekends, a some for pleasure and some for work.

the shoot i did with the older children started off lovely and then turned terribly dull and started to rain... to give you a clue as to how dark it got (at 11am), i needed ISO 3200 at f2.8 to get a shutter speed above 1/200!

All with 70-200 f2.8.

C+C always welcome.






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I am really liking 1 and 8 ... But I think all of them look good to me.
1,4 and 6 are crackers, perfect dof, great moments and expressions and great processing to finish off! Really like them.

Not so keen on 5 and seven, not keen on her expression in 5 and I find the log to dominant in 7, im finding it distracts from the girl.

In all a great set, very good.
1, 4, 6 and 8 are my fav's!

3 is a little too tight on the crop, could have been better if his left hand was in frame fully....

Always like viewing your pics anyways, a nice set! :D
Well done again!
Your colours are great, you can really tell it's from the 5D II.

If these haven't been retouched I wouldn't even bother, you got great light.

I'd say number 1 is the best, great character! :)
Dont like #5, but the rest of them are fantastic. Especially love #1! I adore lifestyle shots and these are great! :D
They all look good to me but no.6 stands out from the rest.
Thank you for your comments everyone -

i usually bin silly faces, but the reason i kept #5 was because at the time the photo was taken, the little girls mum was telling her to smile and look pretty and that was the face we got - much to everyone's amusement - and that's why i kept it in. i don't expect i'll be seeing that one on a canvas print, but it's definitely a shot they'll have a good chuckle at in years to come.

@vishal - i do agree re 3, i have a slightly better version (in a compositional sense) but he blinked/squinted. i might see if i can merge the two and make something better.

Thanks again everyone, always appreciated.
A great set of images. I quite like 5 for the silly face. But agree with the consensus that 1,4 & 6 are the best of the lot.
I love 5 and 6. The expression on her face and the innocence on 6 do it for me. All great shots though

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I think the colours are great too and a nice set of shots. The only thing that jumped out at me a bit is the crop in number 2, maybe seems a bit awkward with the very edge of the face and very top of the head cut out. Still much better than anything I've taken though.

Well done
Agree with positive comments. No 6 is a terrific composition. I like this "capture the moment" style. You'll be liking the current sunny weather by the sound of things! Great set.
No 6 is the winner for me..... (y)