A few favorites from a recent shoot

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Hi Guys. Thought i'd share a few pics with you all. Not looking for critique before anyone thinks about giving me a detailed breakdown of what i should have done. The pics are just the way I like them!

IMG_7482 by Sheraz.K, on Flickr

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/48830403@N04/5529869661/" title="IMG_7489 by Sheraz.K, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5132/5529869661_e8cf61ee6e_b.jpg" width="1024" height="683" alt="IMG_7489" /></a>

IMG_6902 by Sheraz.K, on Flickr
Really like 2. Intimate both with his position and her stealing a look directly at the camera. Great in b&w.
These images look (to me) to be constructed in a way that will work with the logo and 'work' they do :)! I can't help thinking though that, without the logo there, they would look unbalanced.

So yeah, it's a thumbs up from me, FWIW (y).
Both very nice, but I prefer #1!

I like that style and have shot this way myself, though not as well!
As I lean toward the more creative side, #1 is the best of two very very good shots.
Vantage said:
As I lean toward the more creative side, #1 is the best of two very very good shots.

Thanks for your feedback. Glad you like it.
I try and stay away from the conventional style of 'by the book' shooting which most photographers think they are obliged to follow.

In my opinion in photography there are certain guidelines you can follow to composing better shots, but there are certainly NO rules.