A few from my meanderings around London - all with XPRO1

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So this weekend was my long stay in the capital courtesy of those good people at Ottoman Photography for winning the TP POTY competition last year. Part of the weekend was a photography tour with the Hairy Goat - which was just fabulous. Not all of these pics came from the specific tour but Corinna did teach me a thing or two about what to look out for when meandering around the city.

Street / Urban / Architecture aint really my thing but I do have a new found love for it. It was also a good excuse to play around with my XPRO-1.

DSCF9386 by Spooky 173, on Flickr

DSCF9040 by Spooky 173, on Flickr

DSCF9337 by Spooky 173, on Flickr

DSCF9391 by Spooky 173, on Flickr

DSCF9273 by Spooky 173, on Flickr

There are some more on my Flickr account should anyone be interested in seeing more.


Nice to hear you had a good time Spooky.

Some very nice pictures, love the different views of iconic landmarks that you don't normally see. And the last image that has been done many times before but you have done it extremely well, it's my pick of the bunch.
That's a really nice set Spooky, looks like you had a cracking time. Looks like you got a real insiders your of London. Must of being a tiring weekend but fun weekend :)
Hi Simon, Great set of images, really like the way you have framed some of the shots. Sounds like you had a good visit.(y)
A great set Simon but then again you are the current poty champ so we shouldn't expect anything less :)

The alternative views are refreshing and I agree with ynot the last one is my favourite.
No5, very good, well spotted (y)