a few from THUXTON BSB

Nice set, i keep being drawn to 4, love how you can see the transition froim the exit to the next corner.
Nice set, i keep being drawn to 4, love how you can see the transition froim the exit to the next corner.

thats what i was trying to show , it took a few tries to get enough bikes at the right spacing till i was happy with it
4 and 9 are great. It's almost like it's the same bike taken at different intervals and then blended all the shots together.
Like #4. Funny, I would turn that B&W but leave #3 in colour as, already been said, #4 would look like a sequence of one rider and I think Walker should look good against the airfield grass.
Not keen on the angle in #6, never liked the bikes to be "falling" out of the frame, the only time I think this angle works is really tight on the riders helmet with a hint of front wheel, but hey thats just a personal thing!
Shame #2 has clipped the last rider in the bunch as that would be a really strong image.
#9 I would try and remove some of the lovely Thruxton background by cropping in a bit on just the riders.
I see James is still destroying rear tyres, nice picture. He used to pull massive wheelies after races at Thruxton, before his "burnouts" as he's local and all his mates and supporters used to be in the crowd!
Thanks for posting as I liked looking at these
Nice set... And now a total noob question. No.6 the angle of that shot, i see it quite a lot, and i like it! is it achieved by holding the camera at that angle or photoshop trickery?
spudnuts said:
Nice set... And now a total noob question. No.6 the angle of that shot, i see it quite a lot, and i like it! is it achieved by holding the camera at that angle or photoshop trickery?

It's camera held on an angle but I also tweak it in Lightroom as well
Boggy said:
Like #4. Funny, I would turn that B&W but leave #3 in colour as, already been said, #4 would look like a sequence of one rider and I think Walker should look good against the airfield grass.
Not keen on the angle in #6, never liked the bikes to be "falling" out of the frame, the only time I think this angle works is really tight on the riders helmet with a hint of front wheel, but hey thats just a personal thing!
Shame #2 has clipped the last rider in the bunch as that would be a really strong image.
#9 I would try and remove some of the lovely Thruxton background by cropping in a bit on just the riders.
I see James is still destroying rear tyres, nice picture. He used to pull massive wheelies after races at Thruxton, before his "burnouts" as he's local and all his mates and supporters used to be in the crowd!
Thanks for posting as I liked looking at these

Thanks for the feedback , angles are a marmite thing just like vignettes , some love some hate :).
On #2 I have cropped in a bit to focus in on Luca leading the pack and keep is simple and clear. But I will go back I to Lightroom and see if coming a little wider to bring the edge of the pack in to frame works.
Yeah hiller is always playing to the crowd great for photos. Nice guy tho, last year I spent an hour chatting to him i the paddock as he was setting up his bike.