A few more,probably better ,faves .

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One of my favourite motors,RWD Pug,Red Top Powered.


Always worth going for,well driven Scoobie at wet Pembrey .


Classic Escort pose on Red Kite on superb stage.


Lovely MG S2000 on Sunseeker,


Stuart Larbeys wonderful,Historic 6R4,now retired.


Epynt again and flat out Escort ,

Some awesome cars there mate.
favourites being 1 and the the escort (the last one)

the scooby looks a bit soft, out of focus to me? might jsut be my eyes though.
Thanks for commenting,Mark,your right some lovely well driven machinery.

The Scooby is pretty sharp at front end,and crowd is blurred as was pan at slowish speed,low res and size dont help it,but looks fine at normal res and proper size.
Briliant shots, love the scooby and the 6R4 shot
Cheers Dex,glad you like.
yamahatdm900 I do love your rally stuff Chris, the last two are the the pick pick of the bunch for me. But I do have to say some of your stuff form last year imho is better than this selection

Glad you like,and yes there is better stuff in the locker probably,but this is just a flavour of a few I picked out off flikr ,plus I never know what folk like ,Rhod and Ben always seem to like the ones I dont post :LOL:
And I love people in shots ,which I think they are not so keen on.:)
dunganick Loving the Scooby shot and the rear end of the escort. All Razor sharp too
Cheers ,Nick ,yes they are proper sharp and get binned unless they are,and like all decent shots look way better at larger sizes and res.
Getting carried away now then Chris (and you should be)
Very good again mate.
The Scoob is very nice great capture, I also like the Mk11 over the iron bridge

Cheers ,Allan,
Think you had some gooduns over the iron bridge from memory !
These are much better than the other lot mate, much more colourful and vibrant.


True enough ,Rhod.
Got to be number 3 for me, great all round image, particularly like to composition.
Got to be number 3 for me, great all round image, particularly like to composition.

How kind,liked it myself,thanks.

Tom Tom Brilliant shots - like no 3 and 4
Thanks,very interesting how folk like different shots.

Aspock Awesome pictures, love the escort

Simon Tysoe and his Escort are popular:),Thanks.

Brandywell Nice shots, scoot pic for me

Must admit ,was pleased withe composition,and the reflections on what was a stinking wet day,but great for action shots.

Thanks for commenting ,it's great to get feedback ,good and bad.
Keep coming back to these and sorry but. . . . . Can't pick a favourite, although if I 'had to' it would probably be #3 but then again. . . . . lol

Lovely stuff Pons. Makes me want to go and stand in a forest myself!

But I'll stick to the nice comfy race circuits ;)
Simon Arron

Fantastic cocktail, Chris. Love them all.

A major compliment indeed from such an esteemed Journo,tog,thanks,Simon.
Keep coming back to these and sorry but. . . . . Can't pick a favourite, although if I 'had to' it would probably be #3 but then again. . . . . lol

Cheers David,it's always really nice to post a shot or two that warrant a second look ,and it's brilliant when we take shots that we cannot wait to download when we get back home,as opposed to having to sweat over returning slides in the old days.:)

Thanks for commenting folks,


Excellent pictures! I'd love to be on your level one day
Glad you like them,Daniel and am sure you will surpass my humble efforts handsomely


Lovely stuff Pons. Makes me want to go and stand in a forest myself!

But I'll stick to the nice comfy race circuits
SnappyRacers.com Motorsport Photography

You are always welcome to join the myself and the gang anytime you feel the urge to eat a few stones and dust for ordeuve,and mud for sweet ,just PM us.
Agree with Rhod, much better than the set you posted before; more going on, more vibrant, just stand out a lot more! (y)

I don't think Stuart Larbey has retired the Metro, I saw him on the Sunseeker entry earlier...
Agree with Rhod, much better than the set you posted before; more going on, more vibrant, just stand out a lot more! (y)

I don't think Stuart Larbey has retired the Metro, I saw him on the Sunseeker entry earlier...

That's great news,Jamie ,was the last time I saw the car.

jam1 Great shots,captured the action brilliantly.

Thanks,glad you like them .