A few Night Shot's

Some nice light painting there! However in picture 1 I find the smaller area of light above the main one distracting. There is also a similar effect in picture 2 with the area behind the main champagne bottle.
Really nice but a question sorry if it appears a stupid 1 but HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT? is it the same method as getting the blur of car lights at night time?? as I was practising that last night whilst looking for the northern lights show.
Nicely done... I prefer the second one, but is that a reflection of the bottle and light in a TV or something similar ? You could either use that more, or lose it, but I think it's not adding anything here..

Julian, as I understand it, basically that's right... long exposure and move a torch around quite quickly.. the light from the torch is recorded, but the hand holding it isn't as it's moving too fast.
Thanks John I may be having a play at that myself, something I wouldnt have thought of.
Really nice but a question sorry if it appears a stupid 1 but HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT? is it the same method as getting the blur of car lights at night time?? as I was practising that last night whilst looking for the northern lights show.

It's pretty simply once you get the hang of it julian as jgs001 said its just a long exposure shot

Turn the dial on your nikon to manual you will also need a tripod to get a crisper shot and avoid unwanted blurring

jgs001 the reflection is in the tv console screen :) i have just yesterday got photoshop so my editing capability's were limited

( timer set to 10 secs )

ISO is at 200
Dial Set to Manual
Esxposure Time 15 seconds
Apeture set to 4.0 or close the smaller the better i find for the effect i like :)
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I think I'd be tempted to try it again, and use the reflection in the shot.. put the original on the lower right third, and the reflection on the upper left third or something like that... will have to give this at try...
I think I'd be tempted to try it again, and use the reflection in the shot.. put the original on the lower right third, and the reflection on the upper left third or something like that... will have to give this at try...

Im not shure i fully understand what your trying to say there John :) could you explain ? ( im a bit dumb ) :p