A few of my GTFour on the way to work

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Just a few i took of my car on the way to work, had to be quick as needed to be getting places!
Amazing, clean for once! Who said silver doesn't reflect well?





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Need to do some proper shots but when the car is now brown not much point. :LOL:
Lovely GT4 i used to have a silver one very similar minus the skirts and spats.

I'd always try and get a lower perspective when shooting cars. 5 would be the best but needs a straight horizon imo, i like the idea behind the last one would work well with a lower aperture and if the leaves didn't obstruct the view of the car.

this is what i mean (This is just one of my snaps from today when i came across a camaro whilst on holiday in spain)

IMG_11113 by cashkettlephotography, on Flickr
Cheers for the input there!

Only had the DSLR for 2 weeks now like, always took photos for last 10 years but never got myself a nice camera so thought it was about time to pull my finger out! :)

I like low down shots, bit rushed for time unfortunately and didnt want to get too dirty! haha

Yeah i love the GTFours, owned this one for 7 years now, got it way back when i was 19!
good set of pics!

as for the one of the wing, it's great! lower DOF would be nice to really draw the attention to the wing!