a few of my most recent landscape shots

Nice work Lee first is my favourite.
Thanks guys, the first two were on the first frosty (ish) day of the year... Was hoping for more frost or fog, think that will make the image much better, so here's hoping for a cold snap soon:)
They're pretty nice but I'd say all but number three have issues with the processing - reflections should be darker than the sky. Number four also looks strange to me, the sky is a completely different tone to the water and the out of foreground reeds are jarring, I'd say lose this one. I think a simplified composition would have worked better for you. With one and two, do you have versions where the trees aren't cropped at the top?
I agree that there is something strange about no 4, however I really like it. The reeds makes it feel as though I have snook up to the edge and I am peeking through them. There also appears a 3D quality about it, it also has the feeling of a painting
1st ones need a little bit more sky space above. It's good overall but the crop feels a little tight.

windmill = awesome. Great exposure.

Last one is not for me. I'd like clearer reflections and none of those oof twigs.