A Gig

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Hi all, finally had the chance to take some shots after a mate asked me to do his EP launch as their tog had pulled out at the last minute.

Here's just a small selection and the entire set can be found here if you're interested.

Very challenging conditions with a fast lens required and high iso. Exif available on flickr if you want to click through.






Hi Dave,

I’ve never tried shooting a gig but can certainly appreciate the problems with lighting etc…

For me #2 stands out. I know you have narrow DOF here and focus is on the left hand but this makes the shot, for me anyway, different and unique from the others.
Hi Dave,
I do a lot of gig stuff and you have struggled with the light, which was obviously poor. A couple of the shots were at 2000 1/40 1.7 which is going to cause problems with any sort of movement. If you can't up the ISO any more then try firstly to position yourself so guitarists are face on to you, that way you don't have such serious issues with DOF and more is in focus. A right handed guitarist will generally be at an angle if he/she is at the mike if you at the wrong side you get an odd perspective with their left hand closet to you.From the other side they will be more 'face on to you'. Take quite a few and if you are lucky you will get some shots without hand blur.
I try and avoid group shots for the same reason as big chunks are going to be out of focus and a lot of detail is lost. Concentrate on getting good close ups of each performer, singers are better more sideways so you don't get a shot full of 'mike' and no face!

Take a look at this set, they are all taken from the LHS of the performer.


And this from the other side... Not as good in my opinion.... What do you think?


Singer face on..


A better perspective for me


Obviously at the bottom of it all is lights or lack of them. I have come away from a gig with 300 shots and kept 3 because the light was so poor. Anyway thats my thoughts!

Thanks for the feedback, Dunc you're right they do look much better when taken from the correct angle.

Nice work from you too.:)