A Lazy bank holiday's pictures

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Hello everyone,

Over last bank holiday weekend, I went rowing on the lake in Nottingham university with my girlfriend, and took a camera round with me. It really was a gloroius day, and it seems that it is a lot eaisier to take pictures from the water :).

Here are a few of my favourites:

A heron, which looks highly photoshopped, but is just resized from the camera with slight saturation adjustments:

Some happy little cygnets what had just been hatchificated :)

Last but most certainly not least, what my girlfriend reliably assures me is a goosander, and is currently residing on my desktop. This one has had no photoshopping at all except for a resize and sharpen:

Thanks for looking

I love the cygnet shot - if only that little twig wasn't in the way of the 3rd chick.
All good but that second one is excellent. Agree about the twigs though
Methinks that naughty twig is going to have to be attacked with a clone tool :)

very nice! good to see you got some sunshine
Kimmett said:
Last but most certainly not least, what my girlfriend reliably assures me is a goosander, and is currently residing on my desktop.

Great shot Kimmett ... Great Crested Grebe it most certainly is ;)

You have a great collection there - shows what a different viewpoint can do !