A Monochromatic Study

Karlo Reyes
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“What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God”:)

ISO 100 l 14mm l f16 l 1/10" l CPL l .9 NDGRAD SE l 40D l TOKINA 11-16 2.8f

1024 RES> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3480/4041655964_0f9f2fc9d4_o.jpg

ISO 100 l 13mm l f16 l CPL l .9 NDGRAD SE l 40D l TOKINA 11-16 2.8f

1024 RES> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2472/4041033479_d5e3910d99_o.jpg

Thanks for looking!:)
Mono is not my thing but #1 has the kind of textures that suit it. Can't help thinking the shot looks filtered. It would be interesting to see the same shot without filters. think you would have a lot more texture detail than you have with filters.
Love the 60's look of the second one.
Mono is not my thing but #1 has the kind of textures that suit it. Can't help thinking the shot looks filtered. It would be interesting to see the same shot without filters. think you would have a lot more texture detail than you have with filters.

thanks robert for taking time to comment. the filtes is really needed since the exposure was based on the foreground there, without the filters the sky would be washed out/ over exposed.:)

I love the first one

thanks anilmal!:)
thanks robert for taking time to comment. the filtes is really needed since the exposure was based on the foreground there, without the filters the sky would be washed out/ over exposed.:)

Humour me.... next time you set up for a shot like that try some without the polariser and maybe some without the ND grad too - then compare them to your normal set up with the filters on the same shot.

I know exactly what the filters do. I used to use them a lot myself. Now I only use them when really essential. This has foreground in full sun so I'm not convinced this shot needs them.