A morning with a shepherdess

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I've been nagging my girlfriend to ask her shepherd(ess) friend to take us out with her one day. We got to go yesterday morning although I might not have nagged so much had I realised it would be a 5am start.

A small slideshow of pics below, although be warned there are some bloody ones near the start.

A ewe had lost it's only lamb during the night and was very distressed, so Corinne skinned the lamb, nicked one from a sheep that had two lambs and put the dead lamb's skin on it so that the original mother would think her lamb had somehow come back to life.


Great set of images. The Tri colour BC reminds me of the one I lost a year and a bit ago:)
Thanks for sharing those, it reminded me what I loved and loathed about lambing (5am but was usually raining when I did it.:thumbsdown:)

A great record of hard working folk with some absolutely beautiful images. You ahd wonderful light and made excellent use of it, some glorious compositions also.

Very good story.

Great use of DoF!

What lenses were used?
Cheers, I used a 50 and a 135, sometimes with a 1.4x extender on the 135
Your work is very good! (y)

On the 135mm, I have one and if I had to pick the lens that I have been most impressed with, it would be the 135mm. :cool:
Great set of images - esp like the early ones where the light is fantastic. I don't think your choice of music works with the pictures though - I shut it off after a couple of minutes.
Very good story.

Great use of DoF!

What lenses were used?

(y) I agree the slideshow tells a lovely story. I really enjoyed looking through those. You seemed to have a good rapport with the little ones... great recall.... have you got your own crook?

Thanks for posting those.
Great set. Really enjoyed looking through those.
Great set, really liked the first b/w - very evocative. First time I've seen a 'herd with latex gloves - what's the world coming to.
Very nice sharp shots and a lovely show.

I agree that the music did nothing for it I'm afraid. It was more suited to shots of metal like cars or something, not nature.
Although I appreciate that it was hard to find something to go on for that length of time.

Other than that...........fantastic! (y)
Wow these are fantastic, I love the expressions on the animals' faces, the dog is beautiful and the energy in the shots is amazing.

Well done...
Really great :) Love the early one of the older sheep and lamb walking together in sync
A lovely set of images, my only comment would be to edit the set down to reduce some of the more samey shots, and tell the story more concisely. Great work though!!

(And is it just me, or does she make a jumper for one lamb out of the hide of another? I couldn't quite tell what was going on there!)
A lovely set of images, my only comment would be to edit the set down to reduce some of the more samey shots, and tell the story more concisely. Great work though!!

(And is it just me, or does she make a jumper for one lamb out of the hide of another? I couldn't quite tell what was going on there!)

Cheers, read the blurb at the top for explanation of the jumper !
Great story Duncan, could be a wildlife prog on TV.

My fav shot was the one with about 1 min 56 seconds to go.
A totally fascinating set - superbly shot. :clap::clap::clap:

Corinne clearly looks after her flock with great care, althugh I couldn't work out what was happening to ewe 74 (near the end of the sequence). The lamb was keeping a close eye on what was going on. :) Did the bereaved mum accept the changeling?

Well worth the 5am start. (y) :)

Cheers Jean, Corinne was milking the ewe at the end, not quite sure why, maybe it had lost it's lamb previously - if there is no lamb to take it's place the milk builds up and they get mastitis. Lamb 74 didn't belong to that ewe, it was just very curious !
Superb Duncan.
A lovely set of images, my only comment would be to edit the set down to reduce some of the more samey shots, and tell the story more concisely. Great work though!!

I have to agree, with both points. :)

The first few shots with early morning light are quite magical.
GREAT photos! I loved the focus selection and choice of apertures. Gave a really authentic and atmospheric feeling, of course you were with a professional and not an actor as is sometimes the case with tv!

Would have preferred a few shorter slideshows or a shot selector to keep the attention keen
Really nice shots, but I'm not keen on it being only a video with chicane used as background music?!