A nice shade of green

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This is a female Sri Lanakan Palm Viper

Of the two (the other being the blue viper in another thread/post of yours) I much prefere this one....

Seems to be more sharper than the other & also there's "more of it" as well if you get my meaning - maybe try to get the other one in a similar pose (If its possible that is)
Brilliant shot, I like it. (I keep Tarantulas myself :wacky:)

Regards - Paul
Braver man than me, thats for sure. What else have you got in your collection?
Love the drama you have managed to capture in this image, the black background helps here. Good DOF & with the focus being on the eyes as the focus moves out you just dont notice the softer areas.
Too much to mention but to keep it brief various European Vipers, pit vipers including Rattlesnakes.

When I was a kid, a friend of mine kept a Cape Cobra. That thing was mean as all hell. Didnt last long though - apparently they dont in captivity. Mind you, I dont think he had the proper set-up, just kept it in a room at the back of the house. I cant really remember anything else - I didnt visit his house too regular, like.