Critique A selfie, actor style headshot?

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So just trying stuff out and I thought I'd try some actor headshot style lighting, well my take on it. So after looking online for actor headshots I came up with this.
Yes that's me and the light source is two small Pixapro LED panels and a large silver reflector under the chin to fill shadow.


ohh and on a side note, manually focusing on a selfie is hell :p

55mm Mamiya Sekor f2.8 180thsec iso 800 v2
by Mark Boadey, on Flickr
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I think I'd have shot that so the picture on the wall is elsewhere and not butted up to your ear. The eyes look out of focus, point of focus looks to be a little further behind them. The lighting looks pretty good and doesn't become the picture in the sense that your use of it is more an obvious point of interest than the subject if not viewing the image specifically to talk about lighting.Though obviously the light is the picture.


good work
shame about the half picture on the wall
i agree about selfie focus...i tried several times to get it right...and didnt
i focussed on a dummy card, something near to the left, and then right....
my solution would be to have a clause in the rules to say...focussed by others but intended to be the author to avoid stress and loss of patience..
good job we dont use film now..hey?

i would take out the lower lettering in any event...crop or two friends CC
cut down on the blue tone and really as a constructive compromise
do it in mono...lawrence olivier was photographed in mono...and he got on alright....
just out of does one relate this to it the lighting you are referring to..?

may have a go myself cant give up...what?

Thanks guys. I have since deleted it along with out stuff in a clear out. And yes it was more about the lighting. From what I can see from others work, this actor headshot lighting is normally pretty even
As far as lighting goes, I think it looks pleasing, not overly blown out of anything, and likes others said with a different background and focus on point would have been excellent!