A whirlwind trip to Skye (Reworked image added - Opinions welcomed)

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I'd been over in the states for a little while, but when I returned, despite a heavy head filled with jetlag, the promising forecast in Skye was too good to resist. Plus it was a day i'd booked off work, so it would be foolish to not make use of it.....right?
Cue a nightmare 8 hour drive through the night in -7 conditions, for 8 hours on Skye, then an even longer haul back.

Sunrise on the Trotternish Ridge

Trotternish Details

Glenbrittle Textures

Parting shot of Skye Fire

Thanks for looking
A really nice set, but the first is pushed a little too far in editing.
My favourite is the last one....lovely stormy tone.
You're getting good at this kinda shizzle. Love that texture shot. All the different layers are really interesting.

Now crack on with the Yosemite stuff.

Pah, still a whole long way to go buddy! Thanks though!

A really nice set, but the first is pushed a little too far in editing.
My favourite is the last one....lovely stormy tone.

Thanks Ruth. When I looked at the first on my work monitor, it certainly looks a bit over. I didn't do as much as usual in PP, as I'd used a couple of filters on this shot, but it certainly needs toning back in hindsight.
I wasn't sure the last would work, so glad it seems to hit the mark for you!

Very cool compositions and the last three are well rendered!
Great set Matty, I'm with Rich No 2 for me mate! Fantastic light you had that's great.... Love No4 too very nice colour and like the light sneaking round the right of the summit. No1 is very nice but needs a little calming down.
Lovely set(y)
number 2 is beautiful. Number 1 pushed a touch too far for me, 4 is lovely too. In all honesty I wouldn't have showcased number 3 with the other 3 shots.

Very cool compositions and the last three are well rendered!

Thanks Kodiak, hopefully the rework of the first image will be a little closer to the mark, which I'll post below.

No.2 for me. Absolute beauty (y)

Thanks Rich - I think I have a fair few different compositions in that light which I will look forward to processing in due course!

Wow. The trip was totally worth it. The lighting in #1 & #2 is to die for. Great images

Thanks very much Peter, it was a hell of a trip, but when the light rewards you like that, it's easy to see why us photographers flog ourselves to death getting to these locations!

First and last for me, very strong powerful set of images!

Thank you Joe, I wasn't sure about the last image, I found it hard to work compositionally, but I think that it is growing on me! Much appreciated buddy!

Great set Matty, I'm with Rich No 2 for me mate! Fantastic light you had that's great.... Love No4 too very nice colour and like the light sneaking round the right of the summit. No1 is very nice but needs a little calming down.
Lovely set(y)

Thanks Steve. Far and away the best light that I've had in my three trips to Skye over the last 12 months. I'll post a rework of the first image in a second, hopefully it is a little better, I could see that it was pushed too far when I viewed it at work this morning. I blame extreme fatigue and jetlag while processing (excuses excuses eh)

number 2 is beautiful. Number 1 pushed a touch too far for me, 4 is lovely too. In all honesty I wouldn't have showcased number 3 with the other 3 shots.

Thank you Ross, agree on number 1, and I included 3 for a little variety, I can see it doesn't sit well with the other shots in terms of context, but I wanted to try and include a little variety, to show that I am not totally obsessed with mountains. I may as well just accept my fate...
The toning down seems much better. My eye doesn't feel so distracted by the grass which was very vibrant in #1
Overall more pleasing
That's much kinder to the image mate. I think it was worth the loss of sleep, especially when you come away with some beautiful images, trouble is then you have all that processing to do! I find that part a nightmare and I'm always way behind on that, which is sometimes a good thing.
Anyhow its given us all a taste of how beautiful it is up there, another one for the bucket list (I think I have more bucket list than life left :mad:;)).
Keep them coming Matt, but grab some sleep first sounds like you need it.
That's much kinder to the image mate. I think it was worth the loss of sleep, especially when you come away with some beautiful images, trouble is then you have all that processing to do! I find that part a nightmare and I'm always way behind on that, which is sometimes a good thing.
Anyhow its given us all a taste of how beautiful it is up there, another one for the bucket list (I think I have more bucket list than life left :mad:;)).
Keep them coming Matt, but grab some sleep first sounds like you need it.

Thanks Steve, there's a hell of a backlog, as I've just had a couple of weeks in the States too, so have too much to process to even begin to tackle it. Definitely try to get yourself up to Skye, i've loved all three of my trips up there so far, and I just wish it was a little closer to home, so I could frequent it (and Torridon) more often.
Wow #2 is somethink special
Love the reflection in the lake

A place I'd like to go back to

For me, I would chop out the sun on No.1, I don't think its required with the lovely colours although I would try and pull out some of the shadows. No.2 I wouldn't change at all. No.3 I would chop some of the sky as it doesn't look balanced with the lighter sky and No.4 I love that flash of light on the side of the mountain. Nice set.
I really like the first. I know why people might say it's overlooked but it works for me.
I prefer the original version of #1 as well. Yes it is a little overdone but it's so much more dramatic than the rework, which now looks a little flat to me. I'm not a great believer in telling it as it was. If a bit of drama works, go for it. And the last is rather lovely. Certainly worth the effort.
2 is the standout image. 1 is overdone yet the re-edit I find a little flat. It doesn't give you any of the warm early morning light on the land. Somewhere between the original and re-edit would work for me personally.
Can you up the WB a bit to make it warmer light? In LR
1 & 2 are great shots. Your processing of the first has improved it as others have said, but would just like to see you paint some of that lovely light back onto the right hand distant hills. Just nit picking really.
Great set of images 2 is my fave
Wow #2 is somethink special
Love the reflection in the lake

A place I'd like to go back to


Thanks buddy, I wish I could have made more of the lake reflection, but I had a couple of shots in mind that didnt allow me the time to drop down so low. Always an excuse to return eh!!

For me, I would chop out the sun on No.1, I don't think its required with the lovely colours although I would try and pull out some of the shadows. No.2 I wouldn't change at all. No.3 I would chop some of the sky as it doesn't look balanced with the lighter sky and No.4 I love that flash of light on the side of the mountain. Nice set.

Thanks for the crit Paul, I'll be having a revisit of these in Lightroom now I have caught up on some sleep. Much appreciated!

Cracking set Matt your efforts were rewarded,love no 2 and 4

Thanks Dave, it was such a relief that it came together, after driving through the night. Already plotting my next trip to the highlands!!

I really like the first. I know why people might say it's overlooked but it works for me.

Thanks Graham, the first shot looked bang on when I processed it at home, on my work monitor it looked overcooked. I really need to get around to calibrating my screen to avoid these issues in future. Appreciate your commend pal!

I prefer the original version of #1 as well. Yes it is a little overdone but it's so much more dramatic than the rework, which now looks a little flat to me. I'm not a great believer in telling it as it was. If a bit of drama works, go for it. And the last is rather lovely. Certainly worth the effort.

Cheers Jan, the first shot is one I'd like to get right, so I am gonna spend some time this week working on it, to get it how I would like. May even treat myself to a print for the office wall

Very nice set, I do love #1 original and #2

Thank you Plamen, it was a grand day out shooting, and I was chuffed to come back with a few shots I was happy with!!

3 and 4 just aren't my type of image. I like 1 but 2 is just perfection. Well done

Cheers Steve, the light was pretty much as good as I could have hoped for. It seemed to stick around with a golden glow for ages too. I have some more compositions in that light which I can't wait to investigate!

Great series with the second being my favourite of them, well captured and processed. Can you pick me up next time you do a trip like this one I promise I won't snore :)

Haha, you'll have to jump in line, as a few people are seemingly wanting to jump on my road trips now. I was all set to go solo for this one before @Bowz decided to forego a nights sleep for a dose of Skye!! Thanks for the positive comments

2 is the standout image. 1 is overdone yet the re-edit I find a little flat. It doesn't give you any of the warm early morning light on the land. Somewhere between the original and re-edit would work for me personally.

I think you're right Martin. I'll be taking some time to try and get 1 to the level I think is right for it. I'd used a nd grad and a reverse grad on this shot, and the first shot was +15 vibrance and -20 saturation, so I didn't think it would display so overdone. I'm relatively new to using filters, so I need to learn and adapt my processing workflow with this in mind perhaps!

Can you up the WB a bit to make it warmer light? In LR

I will have a look Mark, its annoyed me that I didnt get it right first time, so I am determined to process it right this week! Thanks for the input

I like 1 & 4 best...4 is just my cup of tea. Broody yet lovely and soft light. (y)

Thanks buddy, 4 was a chance shot as I was in transit between locations. The light was great, but I struggled to find a composition that I liked, I think this just about worked! Many thanks

For me too, although I'd personally be cock-a-hoop with any of them, that second one is a delight. Great work!

Thank you Ewan - I was pretty chuffed myself, but I agree, the 2nd is the standout from the bunch because of that worldie light!

1 & 2 are great shots. Your processing of the first has improved it as others have said, but would just like to see you paint some of that lovely light back onto the right hand distant hills. Just nit picking really.

Thank you Craig. 1 definitely has potential, and i'd like to get it right as its a sunrise that I won't forget in a very long time! Simply spectacular! I'll post up the finished version once I have it right!

No 2, sublime.
Excellent work mate.

Cheers Neil, was a good trip up there, and nice to get rewarded with some good light.
This landscape game is addictive as hell isn't it! Hope you're well mate

Superb set to come home with.
Like them all but the last for me is my kind of shot.

Thanks very much Scott, I am finding myself shooting detail shots with more frequency these days. It's rewarding to find the intricacies of the landscape that can offer a composition. Something I plan to work more on for the year. Appreciate your feedback, just wish it wasn't an 18 hour round trip to get to Skye!!

Great set of images 2 is my fave

Thanks very much Alf, was good to shoot somewhere other than the Lakes for a change!! I'd say I'll be back soon, but I already put a sneaky trip to Angle Tarn and Place Fell in since coming back, and I don't know if I can resist these winter conditions at the weekend either!!
2 is the standout image. 1 is overdone yet the re-edit I find a little flat. It doesn't give you any of the warm early morning light on the land. Somewhere between the original and re-edit would work for me personally.

This for me too. I think the saturation and colour is just overdone nearest the horizon - it may be a couple of saturation grads in LR could sort it?
Great shots, would love to get back up to Skye now i have a half decent camera!
Wow a really nice set there. Wish I could achieve something like this.
This for me too. I think the saturation and colour is just overdone nearest the horizon - it may be a couple of saturation grads in LR could sort it?

I think the reverse grad may have deepened the colour contrast near the horizon. I'll see what I can do!! Thank you

Great shots, would love to get back up to Skye now i have a half decent camera!

Get yourself back up there, it really is a magical place to shoot, and more importantly, an awesome place to stop and just take it all in!!

Wow a really nice set there. Wish I could achieve something like this.

Thank you Ian, I'm sure you'd do well up there, its hard not to. Nature does most of the work for you!
I was all set to go solo for this one before @Bowz decided to forego a nights sleep for a dose of Skye!! Thanks for the positive comments

I went to make sure you didn't fall asleep and to feed you (well and to take a few shots), otherwise you would have been like a new puppy let out for the first time :banana: