A Year of Chasing Cars

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So 2013 was my first full year back in the UK since the 90s, and it seems like shooting Motorsport has taken over most of my spare time. After only really getting in to taking my camera to events a couple of years ago, and starting to shoot with a slight emphasis on taking decent shots in 2012, I have now got a whole year under my belt, and I feel like I am starting to get a bit of joy out of the shots I am producing.
I have had some good critique from guys on here, and it's really helped me along the way and certainly given me some useful points to consider. So a big thank you to all of you who have taken the time to give me critique on my shots over the year, It has helped me in getting my first published picture, my first media access and my first sales to a rally organisation. All really good for morale, and lots to build on for 2014. Helped on the way by a good few flasks of coffee, bacon butties and good laughs with swblandy and Bowz.
So for anyone interested, here is a shot per event from 2013 in chronological order......

Riponian Stages Rally

Malcolm Wilson Rally

Winter Testing at Croft

Border Counties Rally

North Yorkshire Classic Rally

First Trip to Brands Hatch for the BTCC
A return to Brands for the BSB

BMCRC at Brands

The highlight of the year was a trip over to France for Tour Auto

Back to the UK and a short hop to Harewood for the Hillclimb

To Scotland for the Jim Clark Rally

Dust galore on the Dukeries Rally
My first rally signed on at the Severn Valley Stages

More BTCC, this time at Croft

Got eaten alive in the Forest of Ae for the Scottish Rally

Flying Focus on the Tyneside Stages

First trip to Teesside Autodrome for my first taste of Drifting

Double Quattro - Does that make 8? Oulton Park Gold Cup

Yorkshire Dust for the Trackrod in North Yorkshire

Croft Circuit and a touch of RallyCross

Getting Arty Farty for Rally of the Tests

Making the most of Autumn colours at the RAC

Glorious Autumn at the Premier Rally in Sherwood Pines
Last trip over to Cumbria for the Grizedale Stages

After such a fun year, the crowning glory was supposed to be the Lands End to John O Groats Endurance rally through the Yorkshire Dales.
Turned out to be by a stretch, the worst event for photos all year. Dismal light, sideways rain and dazzling headlights a good photo do not make!!!!!

Thanks for viewing. Here's hoping to step it up a few notches next year and progress to a better level!!

Some realy nice shots Matty mate, a good year i think, REALLY looking forward to next year, think its time we brought our coffee and bacon sarnies a bit further affield, explore stages new i think.
thanx for the company and the laughs, and a huge thank you for all your help this year, even i can see improvment ! heres to next year mate,
Load of s*** (wont let me say xsxhxixt), try harder next year..........OK maybe one or two decent ones............alright some fantastic photos, I've learned a lot from you this year and really look forward to learning more next year, thanks for your tips, suggestions & friendship this year, here's to an even better one next year, and I'm sure me awld muker SWB Landy will say something similar (oops he already has)
Cheers Matty,
Here's to 2014
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These are wonderful Matty. I've only done a couple of local karting sessions this year for the first time and loved it so hope to plan some weekends next year around Silverstone.
Blimey, I'd not noticed as it went along, but looking back you've really burnt some miles.

There's no substitute for time spent out there taking pictures and you've certainly made the effort - and its paid off big time.

You'll probably find that the next few years you'll see it trail off though, as you start to be a bit picky about what you do - either the ones you enjoy the most or the ones that are paying (y)
Wow. Is it already that time of year again! :DSome absolute corkers there. Loving the ones from Trackrod, Croft and Sherwood. But they're all fantastic. Not a bad year at all! ;)
Fantastic photos. I particularly love the RAC rally shot, seeing the escort squat down on the rears and the shear feeling of movement.
Thanks Bryan, It's tough trying to nail the slow pans on a rally, due to the lack of straight lines and smooth surfaces. Thank you for taking the time to have a look through the thread!

Some realy nice shots Matty mate, a good year i think, REALLY looking forward to next year, think its time we brought our coffee and bacon sarnies a bit further affield, explore stages new i think.
thanx for the company and the laughs, and a huge thank you for all your help this year, even i can see improvment ! heres to next year mate,
Cheers Dave, its been a good year, made better by the laughs and much needed coffees all over the North! You've made some big steps too this year mate, and it is ALWAYS a pleasure telling you where you've gone wrong haha!

Load of tummy mud (wont let me say xsxhxixt), try harder next year..........OK maybe one or two decent ones............alright some fantastic photos, I've learned a lot from you this year and really look forward to learning more next year, thanks for your tips, suggestions & friendship this year, here's to an even better one next year, and I'm sure me awld muker SWB Landy will say something similar (oops he already has)
Cheers Matty,
Here's to 2014
Nice one Big G! Apart from the last outing, it's all been pretty good going! Doesn't mean i'll be taking out a Triumph World subscription though! Definitely up for taking it up a level next year, and that goes for the photography AND the green laning!

These are wonderful Matty. I've only done a couple of local karting sessions this year for the first time and loved it so hope to plan some weekends next year around Silverstone.
Thank you Di. Certainly enjoyed the year, Karting is always pretty tricky, especially if you are starting out. I'd certainly advise going to Silverstone and checking out some other machinery, they have some superb events there, even if it isn't rated that highly for spectator photography!

All really good, i particularly like number 2, then the red focus and the bmw, great action shots.

I fear i would be awful but i'm pretty local to you lot so wouldnt mind tagging along one day next year to have a bash (if theres room lol)

Cheers Nick. I'd certainly be happy to swap some of my motorsport tips for your landscape tips mate! if you fancy heading out, let me know and I'll give you a nod when there is something worthwhile up in the North East!

Blimey, I'd not noticed as it went along, but looking back you've really burnt some miles.

There's no substitute for time spent out there taking pictures and you've certainly made the effort - and its paid off big time.

You'll probably find that the next few years you'll see it trail off though, as you start to be a bit picky about what you do - either the ones you enjoy the most or the ones that are paying (y)

Cheers Buddy! I've certainly gone full chat at it this year, with the rallies up north, half the fun is the adventure of getting there, it does take you to some amazing locations. Appreciate your kind words. I'll be making a concerted effort to improve next year, though I feel I am reaching the limitations of my kit somewhat, but certainly need to find some more paying jobs in order to fund an upgrade from the 5D Classic! Enjoying filling the 2014 calendar with ideas already though! Bring it on!

fantastic set. very impressive. Impossible to pick a winner out of that lot. A year you can be proud of!
Thanks Jonty. Appreciate the comment! I'll be trying to add some MotoX to the agenda next year, so no doubt I will be looking through your lots threads to pick up some inspiration!

Wow. Is it already that time of year again! :DSome absolute corkers there. Loving the ones from Trackrod, Croft and Sherwood. But they're all fantastic. Not a bad year at all! ;)

Not a bad year, certainly room for improvement, but its all fun to be had! Certainly looked enviously at your slow shutter stuff this year which is something I am trying to work on! Thanks buddy!

Superb set of shots mate :)

Cheers Harry, May bump into you at the Dukeries next year! Thanks a lot mate!

Excellent set, hope you had fun getting to all these events.

Thank you, it been, in equal parts, tiring, expensive, frustrating and amazing touring around to all the events, but worthwhile all the way along. Plus it keeps me off the street!

I am in absolute awe of your photo's matty. Absolutely stunning!

Very kind of you David! I'll be looking to better them in every way possible next year! Keep an eye on them ditches! Cheers buddy
Excellent stuff. Inspirational for myself as a beginner to get to as many events as possible next year. I'd also like to add some MX events in 2014. I fully intended to visit some of the Maxxis rounds this year but it never happened.
Fabulous set of shots Matty, it's been a breath of fresh air having you and the others in your gang on TP this season, as the Rallying threads were really starting to stagnate.

Looking forward to your stuff in 2014.

Wow, what a collection of images that is, well done. There's a lot of hard work gone into them but there's some absolute crackers in there! :cool:
Excellent stuff. Inspirational for myself as a beginner to get to as many events as possible next year. I'd also like to add some MX events in 2014. I fully intended to visit some of the Maxxis rounds this year but it never happened.
Cheers Man, Hopefully the shots show some of the amazing places following motorsport can take you to. Ill be sure to keep you posted of anything happening up north!!

wow some awesome stuff!!, really like no 2, backdrop is great!
Thanks Jon, number 2 seemed to go down well when I first posted it. Can't wait to get back to those stages next year!

Fabulous set of shots Matty, it's been a breath of fresh air having you and the others in your gang on TP this season, as the Rallying threads were really starting to stagnate.

Looking forward to your stuff in 2014.

Thanks very much Rhod. I've certainly done my best to showcase as much rallying up north this year to mix it up with the circuit stuff. Been a good year, but tough, as the stages are all new to me, so its been a bit of a voyage of discovery trying to find out where is going to be good for shots. Next year I should have a better idea of where is going to yield some good action and scenery.
We've still got a long way to go to get you the Rally Captures standard, but we're working on it up here. Certainly thinking of getting down to a couple of rallies in Wales next year, if you know of the best ones to aim for, i'd be glad to hear it.
Thanks for your kind words mate, its certainly some of your stuff that has provided the inspiration for me to get a bit better with the camera!

Wow, what a collection of images that is, well done. There's a lot of hard work gone into them but there's some absolute crackers in there! :cool:
Thanks Dave, hard work - yes, but very enjoyable all the way through. Certainly I can see where I need to improve, and I can't wait to get back out on the stages already to try out some new ideas!
Wow. Just plain wow these shots are amazing. Love the first picture of the North Yorkshire Classic Rally.
Some really superb shots in the Matty. I do like the rally stuff - the perfect use of light and colour.

Looking forward to seeing what you bring to the table in 2014!
Glad you revived it, I must have missed this post originally. What a cracking set of shots, a real nice varied selection as well. Number 2 is my favourite because of the background composition, the other is the British Superbike having caught it so crisp, the detail really stands out for me. Nice one.
what an awesome set!!! great to see some classics still going strong, fab photography - you've really managed to capture the spirit, excitement and thrill of motorsport! :)