Aberdeen Beach

Very nice landscape/seascape style capture Mike, with some lovely light.
That‘s a different and very appealing perspective on the beach at Aberdeen - very nice.
Great photo. Did you use a tripod and multiple exposures to get all of the rocks in the foreground in focus?
Cheers Gil (y)
Yes, I did have the camera tripod mounted.
Only the one shot.
The closest rock was slightly soft so I ran the image through Topaz Sharpen then added a black mask and painted the sharpened rock in.
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Lovely shot with some very nice light Mike.
Love it! Perfect light to create the mood, great composition and lots going on - yet it isn't cluttered. I really love the disparity between the foreground beach/rocks and the sea/ships; for me it gives it a very artistic and creative feel.
I like that a lot. At first I wondered if that rock in the bottom left was distracting but it anchors the whole shot with the sunlight hitting it. Very nice
Great shot Mike im loving the sunlight on the rocks in the foreground, overall its a really pleasing photo

This was taken at the opposite end of the beach near where the River Don enters the North Sea.
We had a wander around Fittie yesterday to work off our breakfast.
There's a Double Decker bus that's been converted into a snack bar.
Very nice it was too :popcorn:
For me, it's easily the nicest area in Aberdeen....it just has something about it