Critique abigail the lurcher

Love the cocked ear Peter but the focus seems to be on the dog's back legs rather than its eyes?
Agreed. It's out of focus where it matters. I can see this at the forum res, and at full res it's a country mile out.


You've blown the highlights too.

Where was your AF point? Were the dog's hind legs centre, and then you cropped? If not, check which AF sensor/s you're using.
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OK it appears I have a few things to work on but that's what you guys are here for right? I honestly though I had focused on hers eyes but obviously not. I used AF-C mode thinking if she moved slightly the focus point would remain the same. This is the setting I usually use so should I be using AF-S or maybe even auto focus? I want to start taking things a little more seriously now so please be as honest / brutal as you wish. Thanks
it is an uninteresting image. Try to capture the personality of the dog, or movement. Scott Kelby had a useful quote - "if I pulled out my iphone and took a snap would it be any different?" try to think of the less obvious, play with angles, lenses, and depth more, that is typically what separates photographers from happy snappers. (not calling you a happy snapper, just something to think about)
So apart from composition, focus/blurring issues is guess its an OK image! Looks like I have LOTS to work on. To be honest I feel like a happy snapper at the moment. I'm just a happy snapper who wants to and is trying to improve to become a 'photographer' thanks for your honesty, at least it gives me a base line from where I can start looking at how to improve.
It's a lovely dog. Maybe it is because I'm also a lurcher man, but I can see plenty of bubbly personality in the face.

My lurcher says hi


Bronica SQ-A camera
Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4 lens and S-18 extension tube
Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film
Developed in FirstCall R09
It's a lovely dog. Maybe it is because I'm also a lurcher man, but I can see plenty of bubbly personality in the face.

My lurcher says hi


Bronica SQ-A camera
Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4 lens and S-18 extension tube
Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film
Developed in FirstCall R09
Beautiful dog and a beautiful photograph. I'm off out soon and I'm going to have another go at doing Abby justice. Thanks
There are a few technical issues but they've been covered.

As an image - I like the low viewpoint and being a Lurcher - it's good that you've captured her 'sighting' something.

My eldest is 16 years old now so not many running shots these days.
DSC_0358 by pete1w1, on Flickr
much better i think you will agree. all the technical issues taken on board. hopefully she is looking her best now. thanks all.
In the first pic you have also clipped the end of the tail. The second pic is better focused but what on earth is that obscuring half the dog in frame. Once again it just looks like a poorly thought out snap. If the dog is the subject, don't include stuff in the shot that'll distract from it.
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In the first pic you have also clipped the end of the tail. The second pic is better focused but what on earth is that obscuring half the dog in frame. Once again it just looks like a poorly thought out snap. If the dog is the subject, don't include stuff in the shot that'll distract from it.
point taken. the obscurity is her back end. thought it might be a slightly "different" image. clearly about this,
DSC_0372 by pete1w1, on Flickr