Daily Adow2's 365 for 2014

i have to say this is not working for me as i find the shadows of the twigs on the leaf a little distracting, i also think the leaf is is a little to bright green and that's masking the detail in the leaf veins.
Thanks for looking and commenting. I take your point on the twigs shadows, unfortunately I didn't want to move it as it's actually ivy growing on the wood floor, moving it would have meant breaking the stem and I wanted it to be natural. The light was very bright shining through which has made the leaf illuminated, that was what attracted me to capture.
I like the idea behind this image I feel it would work better if there was not such a big blown area of the sky.
I haven't mastered how to shoot directly into the sun yet. I should prob Have taken two identical shots, one metering with the sky/sun then one for the roof tops. I believe you can layer them in PS, just need to find some good tutorials!

Thanks for commenting!