Advice about Pure Storm

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Anyone here use Pure Storm? I signed up for an account last Tuesday and it still says "awaiting approval". I've looked on their FAQ to see how long it takes but couldn't find anything, so sent message asking, but still no reply 4 days later, sent another message yesterday but nothing yet. I'm on Net-Model and Model Mayhem with no troubles.

Anyone know about Pure Storm's approval times ? :shrug:
you need to upload a gallery of images and put in some sort of bio before they will approve you I think??? If you have done this it will be approved soon but not sure how long?
I tried and waited about a week, I had pics up and a decent bio and still they wouldnt approve. I asked why and was told in harsh terms that the site was for people to display a varied portfolio of their work with models.
I dont see how Im supposed to get a varied portfolio if Im not aloud to join the site and be able to get in touch with models in the first place. I got sick and went to other sites instead. I wouldnt waste your time on them.
Mine was approved within about 4 hours...I guess the Moderator just happened to be online at that time...
I tried and waited about a week, I had pics up and a decent bio and still they wouldnt approve. I asked why and was told in harsh terms that the site was for people to display a varied portfolio of their work with models.
I dont see how Im supposed to get a varied portfolio if Im not aloud to join the site and be able to get in touch with models in the first place. I got sick and went to other sites instead. I wouldnt waste your time on them.

I included some very old images of 'studio'-type shots featuring friends and random girls I'd 'cold-called' more-or-less in the street and given business cards to...
I'd also put up notices on Student Union notice-boards asking for part-time models and offering cash for their time - students need cash more than they need photos of themselves, so never offer a student TFP/TFCD...:LOL:
Got more than a few good contacts that way - though I did have to keep replacing the notices as the Feministas kept ripping them
I used to use Purestorm about 4 years ago, but the models who got in touch with me were pretty much useless - they had high opinions of themselves as models, when really most had done nothing more than pose in front of their bedroom mirror. It may have changed, but I've had far better quality from Model Mayhem. I generally get agency models who are on Model Mayhem for extra experience - but they'll only work with you if your work is of the quality they'd want in their book.
you have to wade through a lot of pathetic wannabes on model forums these days sadly
you have to wade through a lot of pathetic wannabes on model forums these days sadly

If all you're doing is practicing lighting technique and poses, then most of these girls are fine - and more importantly - cheap...
Some are actually quite good - maybe not so experienced, but willing partners in the creative process - especially if you have a clear idea of what it is you want.
You just have to be selective - it's a marketplace, just like any other - some will appeal, others will not.

If it's for a commissioned peice, then go further up-market, obviously.
I registered on purestorm a few months ago, got a couple of really snotty emails from one of the admins after uploading a couple of my images. After a slightly heated conversation in E-Mail I told them to stick their site where the sun doesn't shine - I guess they considered my images at the time too corporate and not slutty looking enough.

After that I registered on Net-Model & Model Mayhem and haven't thought about Purestorm since, until now. :)
I had all sorts of problems getting mine approved. Apparently there was a real low life who lived in my area who kept trying to join and really was rather undesirable. The mods thought I was him trying to gain access again and it was only when I provided a telephone contact and asked the mods to call me that I got it sorted out. We had a great chat in the end and I could understand their caution. It's not an easy one for them to manage.

When using any of these sites one thing I have learned is to try to sort the wheat from the chaff. I have a favourites folder set up and will pull profiles in there of models I think I could work with on certain shoots. I read all the feedback on their profiles and instantly discount no shows. Then every few weeks I log in to see if they are paying any attention to their profiles. Chances are if they have not even logged onto the site for three months they are not really THAT interested.

I've been lucky though in that I have a couple of very good young ladies who I'm more than happy to work with and we have some more projects planned through to April already.
Thanks for the replies folks.
I've used Net-model, Model Mayhem for some time, i just thought it would be worth getting on Purestorm in case I'm missing anyone worthwhile, sounds like I'm probably not. :) It's a shame the admin can't be bothered to reply to my messages though.
Thanks for the replies folks.
I've used Net-model, Model Mayhem for some time, i just thought it would be worth getting on Purestorm in case I'm missing anyone worthwhile, sounds like I'm probably not. :) It's a shame the admin can't be bothered to reply to my messages though.

Most UK models will be on all the major sites anyway in order to maximise're probably not going to miss anyone spectacular...
you still want a nice looking girl with a good attitude which sadly most of these wannabes don't provide

If all you're doing is practicing lighting technique and poses, then most of these girls are fine - and more importantly - cheap...
Some are actually quite good - maybe not so experienced, but willing partners in the creative process - especially if you have a clear idea of what it is you want.
You just have to be selective - it's a marketplace, just like any other - some will appeal, others will not.

If it's for a commissioned peice, then go further up-market, obviously.
you still want a nice looking girl with a good attitude which sadly most of these wannabes don't provide

But you have no way of knowing that til you book them, other than to read the testimonials...
As to 'nice-looking', look at their portfolios - you should be able to tell from the most recently-posted images what's what,

Like Ali says, read the recommendations from other photographers carefully - weed out any no-shows - check that they're updating and checking messages regularly - like every 48 hours or so...

After booking make sure you maintain good comms - either by email or SMS right up to the morning of the shoot.
Make sure you know what you're doing and that she knows what's expected of her (again I'll assume a female model for sake of simplicity).

Make sure you take money with you - having to go to a cashpoint because you forgot to bring enough cash is unprofessional.
Provide rest-breaks and food/refreshments if working through meal-times. Models need food, despite what the tabloids have us believe...

Don't assume a 4-hour shoot means 4 hours of continuous photography. Allow time for make-up and hair, as well as 'comfort' breaks, food and refreshments.
For the model, the clock starts the moment you shake hands, not the moment you press the shutter for the first time. From a four-hour shoot you'll get about two and a half hours of usable photography if you're lucky and work fast.

A model is in effect your employee for the duration of the shoot and you have a duty of care for that employee...some blokes will disagree vehemently with this, but they're bloody wrong and mostly GWCs anyway...
You'll get 'burger-all' in the eay of good images if the model thinks you're an idiot/perv/ be professional.

You might want to lick her all over like an ice cream and she might well have that cheeky glint in the eye that's saying 'go for it' but it's an act - that's why it's called 'modelling', plus it's generally frowned-upon...
With regard to feedback on profiles, I'd probably be wary of models that have worked with a lot of photographers, but only have feedback from a handful (and a note to models, I'd also be wary of photographers that have worked with lots of models but have very little feedback).

These days, with the amount of hobbyists & amateurs out there, on both sides, no feedback often constitutes negative feedback. They just don't leave any as they're afraid of any negative retaliation (you see topics about this all the time on their forums).

So, if you're really interested in working with a model , and you see they've worked with a photographer or several who haven't left them feedback, pop the photographers a quick PM to find out why.
Ok, this is starting to annoy me now :bang: I totally appreciate I don't need to join them as I'm already signed up with Net-Model, and Model Mayhem. But it's the principal of the thing now!
I sent a third email yesterday and still no reply. I've sent two via their own contact form and one to

I don't suppose anyone has another direct email address for them?
I hadn't heard of that site before, how is it? Have you worked with many on there? any no-shows?

I've just had a look and as far as I can work out it's just a forum for models and togs to get together for TFP work. It's a bit random and looks like you can't search by area. I could be wrong but that was my first impression :shrug:
Would be interested to know if it's any good.
Have you made sure you have added your EXIF details to your pics :cautious: as they may have been removed I think they will not approve unless you have this info :|
Why do they care about your EXIF data?
When I was trying to sign up to Purestorm I originally mentioned that I was a member of my local camera club and that is where I'd be doing the shoots that I'd want models for. I got rejected because they don't allow camera clubs to become members.

I then applied again making it clear that I was an individual who just happened to be a member of a club and I was looking for models for a whole range of different things. Again I got rejected.

I applied for a third time and didn't mention the camera club at all. I put some bog standard portrait shots in my gallery (that were taken at the camera club) and I get accepted in a couple of days.

I've been on there a while but I'm only now in the process of actually booking a model from the site. She claims to be experienced and she certainly looks nice in her photos so fingers crossed she turns out to be good.
I've just had a look and as far as I can work out it's just a forum for models and togs to get together for TFP work. It's a bit random and looks like you can't search by area. I could be wrong but that was my first impression :shrug:
Would be interested to know if it's any good.

i have a studio account on there i think it took 3 days for my aproval ,you can search for area also newest models and last log in's .
There are some nice girls on there but plenty of want to be,s too :) oh and there are plenty who do work for pay rather then tfp.
If you ever get on there you will find some hilarious forum threads. I've just been trawling through one about GWCs ( guys with cameras). One side ( the pros) think they are all just chancers after as much as they can get. The other side realises that they can generate over 50% of a typical models income.

At the end of the day we are all GWCs, we choose what we do & how we do it!
At the end of the day we are all GWCs, we choose what we do & how we do it!

Speak for yourself. Most of the people I know who use the term "GWC" use it in the derogatory sense that they do it in the hopes they'll get to screw lots of "fit birds". That is what is meant by GWC, somebody who just wants to perve at naked ladies. GWC != a photographer, by any stretch of the imagination.
Agreed about how it is perceived BUT at the end of the day, in its purest form, we are all GWCs
How it is perceived is how it is, and that's not me. :)

What you're saying is sorta like "Yeah, but at the end of the day, all chavs are humans, so in its purest form, we're all chavs".
Technically we are all Guys or Girls With Cameras, but in this

It's a polite code for sweaty-perv - the sort that in the old days wouldn't even put film in the camera in case the Missus found the prints - just a license to letch...
Got an account on purestorm and didn't have any issues! Have worded with several models of varying degrees of experience! Personally it's no different to the other model websites! Good for tfp to get loads of practice and even most pro's i've used only seem to want £20 an hour which I think is reasonable. For a noob like me having someone who can pose properly is a
godsend until you know how to direct properly!
Have you made sure you have added your EXIF details to your pics :cautious: as they may have been removed I think they will not approve unless you have this info :|

Maybe, I'll check my images. Seems a bit stupid if they don't put that on the requirements. Still doesn't explain why they won't reply to emails.
I have just signed up for Purestorm and did not get approved until my photos had the EXIF button checked. I have found this thread useful as I am using a model forum for the first time; the ideas listed above have served as suitable criteria for sifting the wheat from the chaff in my local area.

Is there an acronym for those models who take self shots on their camera phones and then claim they have some experience?

Is there an acronym for those models who take self shots on their camera phones and then claim they have some experience?
Idiots usually. If they had experience, they'd be able to produce a better photo.

Not knocking people who use their mobiles to take their first shots, but don't say you're experienced when it's obvious you're not. :)
think its to prove you took em somehow
Doesn't prove anything really. EXIF can easily be added/altered just like any other part of a file's data.

I used to be a model on there, did a few shoots but nothing major. Havent used it in a while and now that im into photography i tried changing it to a photographer looking for models. No way of doing it, so i set up a new account (different username), and it got suspended.

So just thought"sod it ill use my model account and post as a photographer, so added a few photos i had then and created a casting call, and after a few days the admin told me it had been removed as its against their terms to be advertising photographers, emailed them and told them that i am a photographer and a model. Got a rude response, so deleted the acount and started over today (new email, new username), and just got an email from them saying that my account has been suspended for the following reason

Application rejected as the registrant has stated: "I also do not appreciate the rude manner in which your admin talks to me." This site's administrators do not appreciate stroppy little madams. Goodbye.

Am now going to switch to Model Mayhem. In no way is it proffesional to be talking to people like that.
Have my first shoot with TFPModels set for Sunday, a group shoot at the Victorian Baths in Manchester. Should be fun. :)