Advice Re Wireless Triggers

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Good evening all

I am looking to purchase a set of wireless flash triggers. I am not looking to spend much at the moment so not your pocket wizard triggers sadly. I have looked at Yongnuo ones but not sure if these are ok to use on my D7000 and SB600 speedlight. Can anyone advice please? My knowledge of flash photography is very limited, I know that my speedlight can be used off camera in commander mode but would prefer the triggers as this seems to be a lot less fiddly.. correct me if I am wrong please.
Thanks Ben, these look good but £80 at the moment is a bit steep for me. If I cant find anything a bit more reasonably priced I may have to wait and see what Santa brings me:) I know you get what you pay for and I wish money wasn't a consideration right now but alas it is. :(
Probably portraits, that was what I had in mind. Just want to experiment with off camera flash a bit more and see how I get on.
Cheap manual triggers, spend the money on modifiers.
The obvious answer is to use the D7000's pop-up that has a commander mode that will control remote flash guns in either full auto iTTL mode or manual. (The SB600 doesn't have a commander option, it only works as a remote slave, but that's all you need.) This will work fine indoors - see handbook.

Radio triggers are really only necessary outdoors at greater range, or when the ambient light is bright. Yongnuo 622 radio triggers are excellent value, full iTTL control, about £70 a set. Manual-only triggers are cheaper, sub-£30 for say YN RF-602 or 603, or various other brand options.
another vote for the yongnuo, albeit i use my off camera flash in manual i also have 3 yongnuo 560ii flashes, a bargain at £40 each new! and they have digital controls. my SB-800 is just for on camera flash/fill now adays....
another vote for the yongnuo, albeit i use my off camera flash in manual i also have 3 yongnuo 560ii flashes, a bargain at £40 each new! and they have digital controls. my SB-800 is just for on camera flash/fill now adays....

Yes I was wondering if I should go down this route of buying yongnuo 560ii, as you say could buy two of those for £80 and buy manual triggers. Need to think this through clearly.
Yes I was wondering if I should go down this route of buying yongnuo 560ii, as you say could buy two of those for £80 and buy manual triggers. Need to think this through clearly.

Yes. First you say £80 is too much, then you want to buy two new guns plus triggers on top :thinking:

You could spend/waste a lot of money on all sorts of things and get in a right pickle before you know what's what, but you don't need to spend anything to get going and experiment, as you say you want to do.

When you've got everything working, the important thing is how you use the light - quality not quantity. As said above, there's so much you can do with one light - fired direct, bouncing, with softbox or umbrella - then build on that. What you don't want to start with is multiple guns going off all over the place. It will be an uncontrolled mess.
Yes. First you say £80 is too much, then you want to buy two new guns plus triggers on top :thinking:

You could spend/waste a lot of money on all sorts of things and get in a right pickle before you know what's what, but you don't need to spend anything to get going and experiment, as you say you want to do.

When you've got everything working, the important thing is how you use the light - quality not quantity. As said above, there's so much you can do with one light - fired direct, bouncing, with softbox or umbrella - then build on that. What you don't want to start with is multiple guns going off all over the place. It will be an uncontrolled mess.

You are right if course, that's why I said I need to think things through clearly. Will persevere with my SB600 off camera and get to understand its abilities before I purchase any other equipment.
I've tried loads of stuff and spent a fair few quid but my bestest purchases were good quality light stands...go figure

Message understood:) No purchasing of triggers, flashes etc. will practice with what I have until subject is better understood:)
Message understood:) No purchasing of triggers, flashes etc. will practice with what I have until subject is better understood:)

Cool (y) There's lots of help here. When you've had a go, post some results up and tell us what you think, where you want to go next.

Try bouncing, off a white/light-toned ceiling or wall. The flash is fine on-camera for that. Likewise, fit a bounce card (white card about the size of a packet of cigarettes, attached to the back of the head with a rubber-band).
Maybe a simple shoot-through umbrella
on a stand light stand
with an umbrella adapter adapter

Cheap as chips :)
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